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View Full Version : Knitting for relaxation - from a man

10-11-06, 06:31
I just thought i'd mention that one of the things i did during my 8 years of Agoraphobia was knitting. As i never went out and i lived at my mother's house, just her and me. She knits a lot and one day i thought why not.
I started with simple squares for Oxfam blankets. Moved onto the 'classic' Oxfam tops. But plain knitting wasn't enough. I started doing shapes and 2, then 3 and upto 5 colour knitting. I got books from the library, well my mother got them for me! I then started knitting from patterns, baby clothes all the way upto adult jumpers - the best of which i loved wearing had a snooker table design.
Sometimes even these days, if i go round to see my mother, if she's making coffee, i do a couple of rows on whatever she's doing. Which is not good, because i'm sure you ladies know, everyone knits at a different tension, and it shows up! She then starts pulling it, trying to hide the difference.
I'd recommend knitting as a form of relaxation to any stress/ anxiety/ phobic sufferer. But beware, if you are like me, for awhile it may take over your life! So many exciting possibilities.
And before anyone says, oh my g.., a man knitting how sad - some well known boxers and strong men have said in interviews they knit to relax. Yes it surprised me too, i thought i was the only man who could knit.
Love Paul.

Love to all members

10-11-06, 19:24
Oh God......hmmm is that blasphemy.........oh well what the hell (oops again !!) there are soooo many things I could post here [}:)]

Is there no end to your......erm talents Paul????

Guess you will be wearing a nice hand knitted jumper with a christmas tree and baubles on it on christmas day :D

Ok toddling off now to somewhere I wont be ignored [8D]

Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

10-11-06, 19:58
you never fail to amuse me Paul

I read this and thought - is he taking the pi$$ !!!!!!

Then I looked at the time you wrote this elaborate and very detailed thread and thought 06:31 in the morning - how do you manage to find the time when you were up getting the kids ready rushing about in your other post and i will quote "Well this morning i was up at 5.15am because my 1 year old thought we should be up nice and early. Usual madness getting 5 children up, dressed, through breakfast and 4 now to school. "

So multi - talented !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


........life is for living not just for surviving

10-11-06, 20:15
Hi there, wow, you seem to fit so much into your days, please advise how you do it, my hubby knits too, so we have no worries over christmas prezzies for the family. We have no money so it is a special bonus for us all

10-11-06, 20:45
I know Angel I think Paul is a national treasure. Knitting poet author and still has time too tell us about all about his day amazing. What with all that rushing this morning I just don't know how you find time to post. Wish I had half your talents.

Multi talented I would say.


Oh and I am about to toggle off with Trac.

The kindness we extend to others in their their hour of need will return to us at the time we most need it.

10-11-06, 21:00
Hi Paul

I'm glad you found something to help you relax! Nothing wrong with men knitting! I'm sure it makes a good distraction technique aswell


10-11-06, 21:04
Hi Paul.

I am glad that you found something that helped you. I am glad that you are trying to share distraction techniques that helped you. I tried knitting myself just couldn't get the hang of it.


Sue K with 5
10-11-06, 21:11
Paul you have made a few enemies on this site with some of your remarks and you can be extremely antagonising at times, but honey if knitting rocks your boat then you go for it,

I dont think your right at some of the things you say and do on NMP but hey ho who is perfect

Knitting, feng shui a hobby is a hobby and if thats yours and you enjoy it dont worry about it


10-11-06, 21:21
Oh can he sail too...........i bet he is a fen shui expert as well.

Toddling off again :D

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

10-11-06, 21:31
I truely thought I had lost my marbles until I read some of Paul's threads.

Well I was feeling down earlier - but who needs an anti dep - come on here and pee yourself laughing!!!!

Soz im usually constructive with my replies - but this man takes the biscuit!!!!!!!!!! And the whole packet at that.


........life is for living not just for surviving

10-11-06, 22:07
This was around 15 years ago. I knitted many Oxfam tops, but my favourite was in a summer heat wave. Actually it was just as i was begining my recovery. On one side i put the temperature in the uk and on the other the temperature in Africa. It just made it more interesting for me, using graph paper to do the design.
I stopped knitting years ago, not long after that, as i'd never get the time. But yes i do miss it sometimes. I only posted so that people in the same position as i was then house bound, might consider it as an option to fill their time. And yes i was aiming the post mainly at male members because most women can knit, although not all.
Love to all members/ readers, Paul.

Love to all members

11-11-06, 01:34
Hi Paul -
Glad you found something you found relaxing and to pass the time.
I am in the 'not all' portion of women as I have never figured out the knitting thing. I blame it on being left handed altho I think that maybe that's a copeout - lol
I do LOVE to crochet tho - I'm not very good at it but I do enjoy it :)

11-11-06, 11:47
I love knitting (not an expert though) and my dad is always pulling out the old story of how he knitted a scarf when he was in the forces, so I guess there are lots of closet male knitters out there actually and hey look at Kaffe Fasset.

Winter is made for knitting and eating pringles!!:):):)

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

11-11-06, 13:42
Hey, that made me smile:D
If it makes you feel good, there's no law against it ..... so why not?.


11-11-06, 14:24
I remember my mum trying to teach me to knit when I was about 11, but hey, I have no spacial or 3D Co-ordination. In fact, reverse parking brings out my feminine side:D

I struggle enough with knots let alone knit from patterns that appear all greek!



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

11-11-06, 18:02
Hey Paul! No worries! My father, bless him, was a 'Big Knit' too [:P] !!

Although the Queen Mum (my mum!) is the professional hand knitter in the family, it was my father who actually taught me to knit! He was a very accomplished knitter! Wish I could say the same about myself - I must be the only woman around who can start out knitting a jumper and end up with what can only be described as a tea cosy with two spouts [:P] !!

My grandson is two years old now and I still haven't made the second bootie of a pair I started when my daughter was pregnant!! Oh well, one of my other daughter's is preggers now so I'll see if I can present her with my 'fait accompli' !! I'll make it my challenge and let you know when I've managed to acheive it!!

Yours in admiration,



'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

16-11-06, 16:26
Hi Paul,

I too have just taken up knitting and I am all thumbs at the moment. Right now it is causing me more stress than anything, lol. I know one day it will help though.


"Our thoughts are our reality"