View Full Version : H pylori anyone?

03-12-13, 11:32
I have received my test results and I do have h pylori, so im on antibiotics for a week. I was wondering if anyone else has had this and it cleared up,
I'm so scared that antibiotics will not clear this up and it leads in to much worse problems I have had tummy troubles for about 3 years now!

I know I am thinking ahead here but thats how my brain works (stupid HA!)

I need to talk with people that I know who have had it or have it now or even know about it I have so many thoughts going through my head now.

I must say that part of me is pleased because i have found the problem to my tummy pains. I think it has even given me IBS!


03-12-13, 11:55
I don't have it (so far as I'm aware as many people don't know that it's present in their body) however I'm sure you'll be just fine.

It's treatable, you're under the docs, so try not to imagine the worst.

03-12-13, 12:10
I've heard its common!
I will try, the big C word enters my mind, the doctors didnt even suggest the test in the first place i had to ask for it i hope they know what there doing its a good job i come on here because thats how i know about the test in the first place x

03-12-13, 12:51
I had this recently and completed the double dose antibiotic treatment. I was also given Lanzoprozole to take for a month which I have not long finished.

H Pylori is associated with stomach ulcers, I was in serious pain for a month before I was diagnosed but I have to say I have felt much better since completing the treatment.

I'm sure you will be just fine :) Kitti x

03-12-13, 12:53
I've had h pylori MissSunhine, you can ask me any questions about if you wish. I don't know if mine is gone, but I feel a lot better these days.

Most people have h pylori in their stomachs, but it only causes symptoms in some people. There is a suggestion that the h pylori problems starts when the stomach is more sensitive or irritated - which happens often because of stress. If you're chronically stressed and anxious it may give the h pylori the opportunity to cause problems.

03-12-13, 15:20
Kittikat, the stomach ulcer is what i am worried about :( i am scared that the h plyori has caused a ulcer and I know someone who had pre cancerous cells in her ucler and thats whats scaring me, i guess what i really want to know is because you have h plyori does this mean you have to have an ulcer as well or can you have h plyori and not a ulcer?

Honeylove, thanks! i probably be annoying you with question over the next few days lol sorry in advance its just i dont know anyone that has this, I am glad your feeling alot better after the medication, i really thought my tummy pains were down to a sensitive stomach as when i worry my tummy hurts like crazy it is now because i was called in to the docs for these results! so that makes sense, its started the problems for this h plyori. have the doctors asked you to go back for another test to check up? if i had a ulcer would i be in constant pain as i only got stomach pain when i was anxious and some point i thought it was certain foods doing it like milk but i was wrong i have finally found the cause x

03-12-13, 15:45
I was supposed to have a breath test to make sure that it was gone, but I have had lots of health problems this year so it kind of got forgotten about in the middle of everything.

If you find that your stomach is worse when you worry then that is a big key to recovery. As well as taking the antibiotics you should also be looking at ways to reduce your anxiety and really work on letting go of the worry. It will help you feel a lot better.

I also take aloe vera juice and have a teaspoon of manuka honey every morning before breakfast, I find it helps to soothe my stomach if it's upset and manuka honey is very beneficial for fighting off h pylori.

---------- Post added at 15:45 ---------- Previous post was at 15:44 ----------

And yes, if you had an ulcer you would definitely know about it. There's no need to worry about something you haven't been told about by your doctors, so please try to put it out of your mind.

03-12-13, 15:56
"H pylori anyone?" Actually it sounds like an after dinner liquor....
But Ahhh... no thanks, I've had enough illnesses for one year thank you very much! ;)

Sounds like your doc has it under control. Enjoy the day!

Positive thoughts!

03-12-13, 16:05
Sorry to hear about your health problems. from one health anxiety sufferer to another on a scale of 1-10 how worried are you about the h plylori?

I have been fine with my anxiety untill I got a phone call saying i need to go in to see the doctor about my results, so hopefully when i stop worrying over this my anxiety disappears. I will try the aloe vera juice and honey drink thanks!

Its just how my brain works, I always think the worst!

---------- Post added at 16:05 ---------- Previous post was at 16:04 ----------

"H pylori anyone?" Actually it sounds like an after dinner liquor....
But Ahhh... no thanks, I've had enough illnesses for one year thank you very much! ;)

Sounds like your doc has it under control. Enjoy the day!

Positive thoughts!

Lol doesn't sound appertising does it :winks:
and sorry to hear you've had a rough year. Enjoy your day also!

03-12-13, 16:10
Aww, I do hope I didn't worry you when I mentioned the ulcer :hugs: H Pylori is in fact very common and many people have it without ever having any symptoms. If left untreated it can cause an ulcer but the treatment you are on should eradicate the bacteria completely and if an ulcer had started to form, it would then heal itself.

I am sure your GP would have sent you for further tests if he/she thought you had a stomach ulcer. Anxiety and worry, as you know, causes many symptoms in the body and would almost certainly give you discomfort in your tummy. I am sure that you have nothing to worry about and you will feel much better after your antibiotic treatment like I have.

Try to eat a good healthy diet, not too much fatty food, plenty of fresh fruit and veg and some high fibre foods should help you too :)

03-12-13, 16:21
I just did a bit of reading on this... Did you know that more than half the people in the world are infected with this? Most never know they have it. Those that do are treated and that's the end of it ;) Take your meds, eat right and it's history.... Ohhhh, and treat the anxiety too! That's highly likely the cause of your chronic stomach issues.

03-12-13, 17:39
Sorry to hear about your health problems. from one health anxiety sufferer to another on a scale of 1-10 how worried are you about the h plylori?

I have been fine with my anxiety untill I got a phone call saying i need to go in to see the doctor about my results, so hopefully when i stop worrying over this my anxiety disappears. I will try the aloe vera juice and honey drink thanks!

Its just how my brain works, I always think the worst!

I can tell you that I am 0% worried about the h pylori!! There's nothing to worry about.

I used to worry about it when I felt bad, but as I worked on my anxiety and stress levels that worry cleared up.

Have you been doing any work on your own anxiety? Always thinking the worst is called catastrophising - CBT can really help you with that.

03-12-13, 22:10
It's ok kittikat you didn't scare me I knew about the ulcer risk :hugs:
I just really hope I haven't got one.
Your right they didn't even mention the ulcer to me the reason why I went for this test in first place was because i was getting acid reflux and tummy pains I wasn't diagnosed with a ulcer or anything! X
Your right fishmapa I just need to focus on this over worrying and anxiety,
I need to stop thinking about what ifs, half the population has it? Didn't realise it was that common!!

Honey love
I'm going to try and be like you and not worry about it take my meds and hope for the best
That's another question if you don't mind, il be taking my meds starting tomorrow and I was wondering how you took yours, how many hours you left in between doses etc I'm so scare of overdosing I have so many to take I'm a little confused with it all.
I saw a lady about my anxiety but she didn't specialise in anxiety I was teaching her more then her teaching me! I will have to look up on cbt.
Also, do I need to change my diet drastically now I have h pylori? Will certain foods aggravate it? Am allowed to treat myself to chocoate etc?xx

04-12-13, 09:04
Really MissSunshine you're making a lot more of this than you need to, just take the medication to get rid of the infection and you'll never have to think about it again. There's no need for a special diet, if you find you have reflux then it would be a good idea to follow an acid reflux diet - but apart from that there's nothing here to be concerned with.

It was over a year ago when I went through the triple therapy, so I honestly can't remember how I took the medication - I just followed the instructions on the packets. Ask your pharmacist about it if you're unsure.

CBT would be a really good idea for you - you should get working on it today and start sessions ASAP for your own peace of mind.

04-12-13, 18:42
I asked my pharmacist and she said as long as i can take the 2 different antibiotics 2 hours apart.
I will stop obsessing now its just when ever i think about my friend who had a ulcer and had pre cancerous cells due to the ulcer it freaks me out.

I hope theres CBT where i live