View Full Version : daily thread, Friday November 10th

10-11-06, 07:13
I thought i'd start the topic, will post my day later.

Love to all members

10-11-06, 07:29
busy night for me at work, answered a few e,mails now off to take the dog a walk. catch up with you guys later. have a good friday everyone.:):):):):)

10-11-06, 08:07
I started early , done a online tesco shop and used a tesco code that got me 1000 extra points if you order £75 worth !

Have to walk my daughter to school (gulp) then off to work for 3 hours but i dont know if my lady is alive or not after her heart attack when i was with her last week ? no one has let me know.

have a good day :D


10-11-06, 08:11
forgot to say...
corry really is on tonight.....I THINK [:o)]


10-11-06, 10:46
Hi all,
well heres my day....

As we speak im answering this post whilst working on the phone(i'm a chatline operator),,do 4 hours on the phones every morning,its the only thing that keeps me sane because it gives me something other than the anxiety to focus on and i get paid for it !!

After that im gonna get ready go to my mums cos my friends visiting with her baby,then my gorgeous hubby will come home from work at around 5 and we'll probably grab a mcdonalds or something for tea(dont do cooking on fridays lol) and then we'll do corrie,eastenders the whole lot.

I'll then go back on the pc cos i'm a total ebay freak(buying and selling) and then i'll be back on here before bed...


Take care and keep smiling...Candie xxx:D:D

10-11-06, 10:54
Hi guys,

Forgot to say somewhere in that lot i'll be walking my dog aswell.

(just in case you wanted to know that.....)

Candie xxxxxx:D

10-11-06, 12:00
at work at the mo. Doing several admin type jobs whilst surfing the net!

Off out tonight to a firework display and bonfire type thing with friends and family.

Thats about it

Hay x

10-11-06, 12:00
candie, i love ebay too but not much else to sell.
i sold a book on amazon this week for £11.99...not bad cos i got it for £1.50 at the charity shop [Yeah!]

had lots of anxiety today...3 days of it with some panic :(
its not easy as u all know.

the old lady i go to survived her heart attack...shes a fighter and puts me to shame the way she takes it on the chin.

is loose woman on soon ?


10-11-06, 12:41
1.00pm i think!

Hay x

10-11-06, 16:11
HI, remainder of day by lorraine. slept till 2 45 walked my dog . scienery is changing the leaves aer falling quickly now, you miss so much when you sleep most of the day. having a coffee while listening to will young c.d. while writing this, hubby shold be flying back from his meeting, proberly get fish and chips for tea, watch corri, have shower then ,yes you guessed it back to work at 10. my last night though. w'/end just around the corner[Yeah!] Have a good evening everyone, and a fantastic w/end i know i will.

10-11-06, 16:18
Well really slow start after a long night on line!!

Domestic engineering is the order of the day with a trip to TESCO but who forgot to take the list. Impressed though, only forgot one item!!

Tonight will be a quiet night. See what floats the boat on the box or might watch a film/dvd.

edit....thanks to this post I've just had a look at tv listings(sky/BBC 2 Wales) and there are two games of rugby to choose from!!!

note to self......get tean sorted, wine for good lady as she comes in, be attentive, get tea ready fot around 7.70pm then say, ohh look.... rugby!! Then order taxi!!

Laissez les bon temp roulez

10-11-06, 17:28
hubby took me into town [:I] i got so dizzy and breathless but carried on shopping went in wilkos and the toys are all reduced [^].
Earlier today, i put in the slow cooker, 3 sliced chicken fillets with a tin of chicken and vetable soup. Have just added some dumplings which i made :D (they are so easy) i dont use suet.

It will be ready in 30 mins and then its corry and eastenders tonight.

Dont like the sound of rugby tho lol.


10-11-06, 19:00
Cor it's about time for me to get round to this topic, that i started lol!

Well this morning i was up at 5.15am because my 1 year old thought we should be up nice and early. Usual madness getting 5 children up, dressed, through breakfast and 4 now to school.
My wife and i went into town, nothing exciting - get our son's paper round money out of the bank for him, buy a couple of packs of school black socks, a jar of pasta sauce to cheer up our eldest son, and to look at coats for our 4 year old - nothing worth buying will try further afield.
At 11 we had a meeting at our 2 eldest sons High school, to discuss both their special needs. This went particularly well and i was impressed by the Vice Principle, both relaxed but very attentive to detail.
Collected 4 year old at 12, he goes all day after christmas, had lunch. Then my wife helped out at our 10 year olds school/ class, so i did our youngest 2 till 3 when i took them to get my 12 year old - who with special needs can get home alone.
Since 3 1/2 it's been all 7 of us in the house, noise all over the place and never a dull moment. I'm taking my 10 year old to a school disco at 7 1/2pm till 9 pm - something i don't approve of, it's too many sweets mainly, but i realise there is give and take in any family.
I'm answering personal messages/ e mails in the few minutes my wife has given me, i let her do hers first. I hope you all had as good a days as is possible with your individual conditions. Love, Paul.

Love to all members

10-11-06, 19:08
well paul

if your PM replies are anything like the sarcastic reply you sent me then it wont take you too long to do that chore!

PS Love to you too

........life is for living not just for surviving