View Full Version : I'm Still Here!

03-12-13, 13:15
Hello all :)

I'm just popping in to let you know that I haven't disappeared off the face of the Earth :winks:

It's just life is pretty busy right now, trying to get ready for Christmas in "real" life and also, being an admin on a graphics site, you can understand that at this time of year we get very busy with all sorts of projects and things :)

I can't say that I'm feeling all that good either. My nerves feel shattered, I keep getting the shakes, heart racing and stuff, so I'm also trying to get a happy balance with being busy and getting some relaxation in too :wacko:

I do pop in just to keep up and I'll do my best to get a post in here and there.

Love and hugs to all

Auntie Moosie

http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j318/moreslushymandy/Christmas/Christmas%20Give%20Outs/ChristmasFromTheOutsideInByMandyAMandy_zps7b2c2239 .gif

03-12-13, 15:31
Enjoy :D

03-12-13, 18:18

03-12-13, 18:27
:hugs::hugs: to you Auntie x

03-12-13, 18:43
:hugs::hugs:for you auntie xx

03-12-13, 21:17
Yay 4 moosie, I have a hoot I took especially 4 u..... Will post it 2moro!

03-12-13, 21:21
You have a what Tessar? :D Is that your predictive text again?

03-12-13, 21:46
Yay 4 moosie, I have a hoot I took especially 4 u..... Will post it 2moro!

Yeah it was predictive text again doh!!!!

"I have a PHOTO" that I will pot tomorrow!!!!!! No POST......


03-12-13, 23:50
Hugs Auntie Moosie :hugs: hope your projects are going well. Xx

07-12-13, 01:10
Thank you all :hugs:

On the graphics side, everything is going well, I've got them all decorating Christmas trees at the moment, and the one's that have been done are beautiful :D

On the "real" life side of things, well, I'm still not doing all that good right now. I'm feeling really stressed and soooooo tired, I'm only up for a few hours before I start feeling dreadfully tired again, have spoken to my doctor on the phone, she wants to see me, but it's going to have to wait until after Christmas cos I just don't think I can do it at the moment.

I've kind of stopped where I am for now, I need my safety nest and I don't want to stray from it.

Hoping that you're all okay and doing well, I know that this time of year is the pits for so many people, all it seems to do for me is stress me out, though I love it when Christmas actually gets here!!

Sending love and hugs to all. xxxx :hugs:

07-12-13, 08:55
You are right Auntie Moosie, Christmas is a stressful time and with everything else you have had going on this year it is know wonder it has hit you harder.
If you can manage to get to your doctors before Christmas it may be helpful to you. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

07-12-13, 11:15
Thinking of you as always Mandy xx:hugs:

Having a pretty rough time myself and haven't logged on for a while.

07-12-13, 18:21
Hi Auntie Moosie,
Same here. Don't know if I am coming or going, for you :hugs:

I am same as Ricardo. I cannot explain my worries and my anxiety to anyone
at the moment.

I send my love to all on nmp

07-12-13, 20:49
Hugs for everyone on this thread :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

07-12-13, 21:52
Thank you Annie :hugs:

Ricardo and Magic please just know that I'm with you. I'm not sure what's going on with me, but I'm not "me"

I understand what you mean about not being able to describe it or even talk about it, if I were to try and put how I feel into words...........it would be "gutted"

I'm just keeping everything crossed that I'm not slowly going towards a depressive episode..............please no.......I just feel like I'm hanging on by my finger tips though.

Ricardo you are still very welcome to ring me, I know that you don't like to if I'm not good, but it does help me too, so go ahead if you want too sweetie :)

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

07-12-13, 22:26
Hi moosie,

As always your graphics are brilliant, your so clever width I could do something like that.
Just think whilst your doing that your minds occupied,as long as you don't over do it that's the paramount!

Don't let it get on top off you,We are very good at plodding along and don't like change even to the point of trying to talk and explain ourselves we would rather act like it will be ok.

I thought I havnt seen you on for a while missed your pics!
I'm still going to my card sessions and enjoying them,but I'm way way behind you.

Good to hear from you,take care and relax and chill as much as you can. Xx

09-12-13, 00:24
Thank you Clio :)

I'm glad that you're still going to your card making sessions, I hope you're getting a lot of enjoyment out of it as well as hopefully meeting and making friends with new people :)

Today is one of my "not so bad days".......so I've been getting things done, I find just taking each day as it comes is much more helpful to me, I don't plan anything really at the moment, just do things as and when I can.

I do love doing my graphics, it's great escapism and it does relax me too, I do love my knitting too, but as my concentration isn't all that hot right now, doing my graphics is proving easier on that side of things :)

Will you be putting some pics up of your cards hun, I'd love to see them, I've got a few that I've got to make this week, it's nothing to do with being in front or behind hun, we all do our own thing and we're all learning as we go along :)

Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful words Clio, you're very sweet :hugs:


09-12-13, 00:34
Hi moosie,

Brilliant card as always! Yer one day at a time that's what I do if I'm up to it I do it if not so what! Another day.

Yer will put a card on when I've learnt how to ( at 56 you'd think I'd know) will ask son.
I do enjoy going and the ladies are really nice only small group and that suits me not to over whelming for me! Still have times when I find I'm anxious going but push myself when it's not extreme.
Just watching craft channel on sky at mo, you could go on there with your cards !

Take care xx

09-12-13, 19:41
Clio it doesn't matter what age you are hun, I'm 52 nearly 53, but I still love learning new stuff, so long as you're enjoying it, that is all that matters hun :)

It's good that you're getting on with all the other ladies and I'm glad that you give yourself a little push should you need too.

I'm wanting to join a group next year, I've promised myself to give it a go as I've always wanted to be part of a crafting group, it's going to be difficult at first, but I hope I can manage it.

I'm glad your enjoying watching the craft channel, that's something I've not done yet, maybe I'll have a watch during the week.

Keep doing what you're doing hun, but above all, have fun and enjoy it :hugs:

09-12-13, 21:48
Moosieeeeeeee I haven't 4gitten (oooops 4gotten) about at photo I promised 2 post but I haven't bn on my pc since then! I promise I'll like it!! Meanwhile theses r 4u...... :noangel::hugs::ohmy::yesyes::wacko::flowers::flow ers: oh darned some flowers got away......

11-12-13, 14:34
Finally here is the picture i promised a few days ago ...... it was a case of "i saw this & thought of you" !


11-12-13, 15:46
Ha ha!

12-12-13, 02:24
:ohmy::scared15::ohmy:...........Tessar!!......... .you've put me on NMP..............NAKED!! :ohmy::scared15::oopsie:

Now just imagine what this might do to the members................they'll never get over it ya know.........post traumatic stress I think they call it :scared15:

Now, just for everyone's safety and in the name of health and safety, I have hactually been and put some clothes on...........it's me Crimbo gear hactually.........now.........that will be a little more gentle on the eyes :winks:

I'm glad you get to see me in all of these places though...................shhhhhhh!!............... ..I'm stalking you really :scared15::ohmy::winks::roflmao::roflmao::sign20:


12-12-13, 13:22
oh moosie, how awful to be uncovered in this way!!!!! and publicly too.
I apologise unreservedly......:ohmy::winks::D:winks::noangel:: D :wink::D:winks::wink::D:winks::wink::D:winks::wink :

I do love the modified version of the picture, it's brilliant.

at least now I know why i had the feeling i was being followed!!!!!:winks:

12-12-13, 18:51
Oh that's interesting the snow doesn't move when u view the pic on an ipad....