View Full Version : nervousness

Mr Mannering
03-12-13, 13:15
On and off I get issues with anxiety etc... every now and then it gets me. in most cases I almost know the underlining reason for it. But the most annoying times are when I just don't know why.

I was out last night and enjoyed myself with friends. Then this morning I woke up with a terrible nervousness feeling and it's been with me all day. I can't really shake it off at the mo.. And why is it that when ever I feel a little off I immediately think of the onset of a panic attack or death! I just can't sit there and say .... I feel a little off today. :mad:

03-12-13, 13:18
It could be down to several factors that might aggravate how you feel

- what did you eat & drink when you were out with your friends
- did you get the same amount of sleep as usual
- did you have good sleep quality after the night
- how soon after waking did you eat something

When we're chronically anxious things can affect us much more than usual, we're hyper aware of what's happening in our bodies. The best thing to do is to just look after yourself as best as you can, distract yourself from the feeling and try not to fight it just let it be.

Mr Mannering
03-12-13, 13:31
yeah I probably over ate, no alcohol! Seemed to sleep very well which in itself is unusual. I am awaiting an MRI result which maybe in the back o my mind.

Thanks for reply :)

03-12-13, 13:38
When I overeat I always sleep badly and feel rotten the next morning! Plus overeating kicks off my reflux, which kicks off my teeth grinding, which kicks off my TMJ!! LOL What a chain reaction to my eyes being bigger than my belly! :D

It could very well be that you just slept badly after the night out, and that will always make you feel horrible the next day.

Just be gentle with yourself and take it easy.

If the MRI is in the back of your mind then it may be good to do some relaxation measures or CBT exercises around the worry.