View Full Version : Worried about Sons lump/gland

03-12-13, 14:08
Hi guys,
I took my son to the doctor last week because we had found a rather hardish lump on the bone behind his ear and the doctor said it was a gland and prescribed anti-biotics but I can't stop worrying. I have got another appointment Friday but in the mean time I am going out of my mind with worry. :(

03-12-13, 14:35
Hi pinkdante, can I ask why you are so worried about it? It doesn't sound like the doc is concerned? Our glands go up and down all the time for many reasons, if your doctor is not worried about it then that's a good sign x

03-12-13, 14:46
I am worried because it seems quite hard not like a gland, and I wanted to have seen one of the other doctors to be honest. It just seems in an unusual spot and rather like a pea than a gland - I just feel sick all the time worrying.

03-12-13, 14:50
I can relate to how you feel as much of my HA has to do with my family's health as much as mine.
However, the last person to post is correct..I have had a lump behind the hard bone behind my ear which was an infected gland. Just remember that the Dr will have seem many, many lumps caused by glands and if he is not concerned then it is certainly nothing to worry about.
Sorry, I know that is easier to say than to do, but please just take his word for it ...it will be fine.

03-12-13, 14:53
Thank you - I do normally focus on my own HA but at the moment he is all I am worrying about x

03-12-13, 14:53
Are you getting any help with your anxiety problems Pinkdante?

03-12-13, 15:33
Lol no - I had OCD since I was 7! I had counselling and was told I would never get over it and would have to learn to live with it :(

03-12-13, 15:39
I have a gland behind my ear and it is rock hard and only moves the tiniest amount. It went up once and never went back down x

03-12-13, 15:40
That's awful, I'm so sorry you were told that! I'm sure that there must be ways to help you.

Have you chatted to your GP about it lately? Or have you ever tried CBT?

03-12-13, 20:41
Thank you HoneyLove. I have had OCD since I was a child and HA since having my children. I can only get through - mostly I am ok if I am busy etc but there are times it will rear its ugly head more than others. I have heard CBT is very good.