View Full Version : Back pain or kidney pain? nervous!!!

03-12-13, 17:50
I am kinda freaking out and over thinking if this is back pain or kidney pain. Someone please help me. I am not having any other symptoms other than pain in my left middle back. It is a dull ace and when I make certain moments i can feel more pain or tightness. Someone please help me out and please reassure me that this had nothing to do with my kidneys. THank you!

03-12-13, 20:26
It's very very verrrry likely to be your back. Kidney pain is not usually a 'dull ache' and pain when you move it is usually muscular x

04-12-13, 19:18
I am attending a physio for this and mine sounds just like yours. Generally if it it sore on movement it is muscular. Can you get a simple urine test from your practitioner or out patients....just to put your mind at rest. They can usually give the result in a couple of days . Just a thought, there are many muscles, nerves and tendons attached to spine and ribs and these are most likely the cause of your pain. XX