View Full Version : worried......................

03-12-13, 18:23
hi I worried my bp is really low is 89/58 anyone else suffer from low bp plz help

03-12-13, 20:21
Has it been taken more than once what was u doin at the time that is quite low but I'm not sure it indicates any danger

03-12-13, 21:08
Mine is always low.

04-12-13, 12:24
I have consistently low bp. Make sure you're drinking plenty as dehydration causes low bp.

I'd only be worried if you get dizzy standing up (from sitting/lying), feel weak and lethargic or sick.

04-12-13, 12:38
Mine is always low - it's healthier than it being too high.

As Rennie says, unless it's presenting very uncomfortable symptoms don't worry about it.

04-12-13, 12:53
I wouldn't say low bp is healthier than high bp as it comes with it's own problems. It's healthier to have neither high or low bp, but everyone has different 'normals' anyway.

04-12-13, 14:26
I do feel really dizzy of balance sick and really tired all time.

04-12-13, 15:10
Then see a doctor if it's worrying you.