View Full Version : Ulcer or abscess on gum

03-12-13, 18:25
On the bottom of my mouth just under my bottom front teeth there is a small red swelling with a yellowish centre, it's sore when I touch it or when my lip rubs against it but not otherwise. It feels similar to when I've had an ulcer on the inside lining of my lip but I'm worried this is an abscess as it's on the gum a bit below a front tooth.

Can you get an ulcer on the gum? Would I be in more pain all the time with an abscess? There's no tooth pain or ache, just the sore feeling when something touches it. Am off n hol for my bday in couple of days and really don't want it to be an abscess, plus I know an abscess would mean a root canal was in order.... It has to be just an ulcer right? Panicing my birthday is going to be ruined and I will have to have scary dental treatment if it isn't just an ulcer.

03-12-13, 22:39
I've had ulcers on my gums on occasion. They are not, for the record, synonymous with root canals. I certainly haven't had a root canal.

If you're worried have your doctor take a look. In all probability it will clear up on its own, mine always have - enjoy your holiday :)