View Full Version : Article on Doctors Googling !

10-11-06, 09:38

Anyone seen this article on the BBC website, about Doctors using Google to help with diagnosis !!



10-11-06, 10:06
mmmmmmmmmm hope people don't think its good to google, especially with health anxiety.

anx xx

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

10-11-06, 10:10
Oh My God....Just what we needed to hear eh!

Hay x

Sheik N Shimmy
10-11-06, 12:21
You'll probably find that the doctors use 'medical professional' websites only which you must be subscribed to. I'll bet they wouldn't be using sites like 'the wrong diagnosis'.

It's a good resource for them to have I'd imagine.... and good news if you were really sick and not just worried sick!


Keep On Keepin On

10-11-06, 12:58
"The wrong diagnosis" that was the main cause of my googling troubles!

I just wanted to say by symptoms doctors aren't typing in "headache" "bad thoat" and getting "tumor" they'll be entering blood results, pulse rates, other patterns of symptoms - hope this reassures anyone who's worried!

10-11-06, 13:07
I think us health anxiety sufferers should set up our own google lol. Look at the amount of diagnosis we have given ourselves over the years eh. I've had every cancer under the sun and I've even invented new ones so surely we have the experience lol.

Take Care


10-11-06, 13:26
My doc used google when i thought my mole was cancerous, he showed me these hideous pics of ones that were and told me that mine was nothing to worry about . Still got it off though bout 3wks ago, came back normal........... and here i was convinced ...................

10-11-06, 13:57
i was just bout to start a thread in this! IM DISGUSTED. What do we do? google, come up with everything, so we go to a dr say we need help think something is serious, they do the same thing and then they DO diagnose us with our worst fear. i ave lost all hope in dr's i truely have, the other day on news was something about a dr working in this country yet was wanted for murder in his own country, this world is becoming more and more crazy by the minute.

10-11-06, 15:35
When I saw doc a few weeks ago,he was only bloody googling right there in front of me,about pills etc.:(
I may as well treat myself.[:O]

10-11-06, 15:55
i dont like the idea of drs using google to diagnose me
google sometimes gets it wrong and directs you somewhere else
i dont trust google for medical stuff its dangerous


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

10-11-06, 16:53

The doctor who checked out my lump told me is was nothing serious and wrote it down what it was called and told me to go home and look it up on the web. I would of prefered to of been told by the doctor.


10-11-06, 17:11
Had to laugh when I heard this on the news today. But then my sense of humour is strange. I had just been reading about someone googling and worrying then that they were terribly ill. Maybe its a useful source of info for them (as they have studied medicine) but we should definitely give it a wide berth when it comes to symptoms!!


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

10-11-06, 17:25
The article does say the doctors who are googling are human experts so I expect they're typing in more specific stuff than most of us do.

Last week I googled the term 'over salivation' and had to laugh when most of the sites that came up were about canine disorders!!! Anyway, now its mysteriously disappeared .....

Used responsibly, I can understand why Doctors find the net to be a good resource. Years ago, they'd have just looked up symptoms in great big medical books.

Kay x

Lousy Hero
10-11-06, 19:51
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">yep!
When I saw doc a few weeks ago,he was only bloody googling right there in front of me,about pills etc.:(
I may as well treat myself.[:O]

<div align="right">Originally posted by Fly2Freedom - 10 November 2006 : 15:35:41</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Couldnt have put it better myself

Religion? Communism? No, Love is the Opiate of the People

Sheik N Shimmy
10-11-06, 22:08
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Last week I googled the term 'over salivation' and had to laugh when most of the sites that came up were about canine disorders!!! <div align="right">Originally posted by ksmith - 10 November 2006 : 17:25:50</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


Is your surname 'Nine' by any chance? [:P]

Keep On Keepin On

10-11-06, 22:24
lol ..... woof woof

Kay 9 x

10-11-06, 22:49
I can see that the internet is a very useful tool for doctors, but I'm not so sure about Google.

I can understand them looking at the web to link symptoms for rarer illnesses, or to find out quickly about specific medication, or even to find articles that help patients understand about their illnesses.

But if my GP were to google my symptoms to look for a diagnosis, surely she would come back with the same results that I get - in which case, we'd all be doomed!

By the way, I watched a programme once that talked about people searching on the internet for symptoms/diagnosis, and it said there are very few websites that are credible - however one that it did rate was patient.co.uk as an accurate source of information. Don't think you can self-diagnose on here, but if you are diagnosed with an illness it is very good for finding out more about it.