View Full Version : Feel like I should put my hand up...

03-12-13, 19:22
Hello everyone :)

I'm new here, have been browsing the forum occasionally when googling for self-help really. I suffer from depression and panic attacks, on and off now for a few years. Am a firm believer in taking medication if it helps, and have been taking citalapram for a while now which has been great.

I'm a very "happy" person, so people do generally find it difficult to understand that I'm a sufferer, and I think I'm generally quite brave, which makes panic attacks that bit more frustrating.

Just saying hi anyway :) hopefully will speak to some people in similar situations and help others if poss :)

04-12-13, 17:28
Hi and :welcome: to the site

04-12-13, 17:44
Hi :welcome: to the forum.

04-12-13, 19:10
Hello fellow citalopram fan! I have been on citalopram for 4.5 weeks now and am feeling the benefits immensely. Nice to meet you.