View Full Version : Approaching two days of anxiousness & now worrying about that!

03-12-13, 19:35

So I have very recently found the name GAD and although I have no diagnosis I strongly suspect I suffer from this to a degree. I can fret about anything, and now I'm even worrying about worrying!! Does anyone else worry about that?!

The cause of my current worry is that my girlfriend is coming to visit and leaves tomorrow morning for an almost 24 hour trip to get here. She has to take a ferry, a coach and a plane and I know the weather is rumoured to be stormy and awful so I'm already feeling anxious about that, but also starting to worry about my next two days spent worrying about her getting here safely! :S

I tend to have real anxieties and frets which happen when I don't hear from her for prolonged time, so I know I'm going to have that going on anyway, and combined with all that travel *gulp*.

Whatever can I do to try and settle my mind from the worry of her journey AND the worrying about the fact I've got almost two days to worry till she's here?! It's hard work in my brain sometimes!

Thanks everyone. :)

04-12-13, 09:11
Hi Moogie, are you getting any help for your anxiety? CBT can really help with learning to let go of your worries.

What I try to do these days is to just let go of worries about things I can't control. You can't control your girlfriend's journey to you, all you can do is hope for the best. So you have to let it go and try to relax - that way when she arrives you'll be in much better shape to hang out with her too :)

04-12-13, 10:43
You have to accept these thoughts are there and brush them off.

Unfortunately I make that sound a lot easier than it is. So you're worried about her travelling in bad weather. The British Isles isn't exactly known for it's glorious sunshine. I've sailed and flown in appalling weather and I still have my limbs. It's reminding yourself that bad weather happens all the time, pilots and captains are highly knowledgable and experienced people and know what to do during bad weather. Your girlfriend will be absolutely fine :)

Not hearing people for prolonged periods of time can be anxiety-provoking, I know. How long are these 'prolonged periods'? I used to have this with ex-boyfriends and it's all about how you think to yourself. I would remind myself that their phone could be off, they're busy, didn't hear their phone go off etc. If she works or goes out to see friends then it would be normal for her to not answer.

Distraction is another thing to do, aswell. Keep your mind busy with work, education, hobbies or socialising. I am a writer so that helps me distracts my mind.