View Full Version : HI

03-12-13, 22:47
hi everyone.

i have never joined a forum site before. but spent 1 night reading some of your
posts and found them interesting. this is my 3rd time on citalopram. the times before it worked really well but wasnt really told much about it so as soon as i felt better i stopped taking the pills this time going to take for at least 6 months had a few side effects mainly anxiety as that is what i suffer maybee a bit of depresion as well bin on the pills for about 3 weeks now not completly working yet but i feel they are starting.

keep your chins up every one G:)

04-12-13, 00:02
Welcome to the forum Goose. Citalopram has helped me in the past, along with CBT and therapy. I think that you will find a lot of support here. I know I have.