View Full Version : DVT Anxiety (99% Sure It's Unfounded Fear)

04-12-13, 01:09
So I'm one of those people who had anxiety just appear out of nowhere and hit me in the face like, "Yeah, I'm here now. Deal with it." It took me a few months to finally realize that yes, this was anxiety, and yes, it can happen even to a very relaxed, adventurous person like me. That's why I think I'm overplaying this.

I've had bad leg pain for the last two(ish) months (getting close to 3 months now). It has varied in location all up and down my leg from my foot to my thigh and even into my groin, though it particularly enjoys hovering around the inside of my thigh and outside of my calf. It's right leg only. VERY minor swelling once, no redness, but during these months I've been experiencing random bruising (no cause -- I look and there isn't one, then I stand there talking to someone and look again and there is one). The bruising always happens in the same place(s). Right now (and for the last few weeks), the pain is in the crease where my right leg meets my groin (where that hard tendon thingy is) -- the same kind of burning, uncomfortable, "there's something there" feeling as when you're wearing underwear that are too small.

Anyway, seeing as I'm only 20 and (as far as I know) my only risk factor for blood clots is a Mirena IUD and a 13-hour flight in the beginning of June (long enough ago it's probably not a factor anymore), the doctors don't think it's anything like a DVT. I had a full-leg ultrasound to be sure, and it came back fine. I guess I just wanted to hear others' opinions about that dreaded fear that health-anxious people have -- "what if they missed it?"

These last few months (prior to the anxiety) have been hellacious, as doctors everywhere are stumped about what's causing me to be sick (it's more than the leg thing, but most of it has resolved aside from that). We thought it was lymes, but we "treated" that (using only the 21-day recommended antibiotic course, not only LLMD stuff), and my chiro seems to believe it's nerve irritation, though his adjustments don't really help.

Not looking for a diagnosis, just some other peeps who fear that there may be an unwelcome leg vein resident in their bodies. :)

04-12-13, 18:20
I went through a phase of panicking about a DVT. I used to think that I had one which was about to go to my lung and kill me any second.

I was basically laughed at by the doctors, its rare in people our age, especially as you don't have any risk factors (Im sure the flight was too long ago to count!)

You're fine x

04-12-13, 19:49
Thanks! :) I think it's just that every time my hip gets a little out of place now and my leg hurts because of it, I feel like it's DVT, then it starts to get better and I'm like, "What was I thinking? It's not DVT." I don't like waffling like that lol :)