View Full Version : Thinking wrong words

04-12-13, 09:37
Just wondered if anybody else gets this.
I get a problem where I think the wrong name or word. Usually just after waking up in the morning or in the middle of the night. I'm not like it during the day.
For instance I tried to think of President Obama's name and thought Eric instead of Barrack. Its like my brain didnt connect properly. I then got in a panic and was trying to think of words to a song but couldnt remember them etc

I've been really anxious lately over hospital appointments etc and wondered if it is an anxiety thing.

I'm getting really stressed about it thinking I might be having a stroke or the onset of dementia or something. It happened a couple of times last week and again last night.


04-12-13, 09:41
Brandy what are you doing trying to remember the name of the president in the middle of the night lol :D

Honestly that just sounds like a normal thing to happen sometimes, everyone does that, especially if you're sleepy!

Are you getting any help with your anxiety? It sounds like you're pretty stressed.

04-12-13, 12:32
I call that a "brain fart" and it's completely normal. I've had them all my life and not only in the middle of the night (I'm usually asleep). Now I get chemo brain on top of that. It makes life interesting! ~lol~ I'm a performing musician and I've forgotten lyrics too... no biggie, it happens. Just don't forget who's in bed next to you and you'll be fine ;)

Positive thoughts

04-12-13, 13:53
Thank you so much. I was waking up and feeling groggy and my mind wouldnt seem to work and was jumping all over the place so I got worried and tried to test my mind to see if it would remember things. Thats when it wouldnt remember Obama's name properly. Then I was trying to remember lyrics.
Strange things we do to ourselves when we have anxiety LOL

I am going back to the doc for help with my anxiety. I've had 2 hospital appointments in the last couple of weeks that I couldnt go to because of bad anxiety. Sometimes the anxiety gives me a migraine on the day so I just have to stay in bed and cant go. Other times I will just be so anxious, shaky, palpitations, upset stomach that I am a nervous wreck and cant cope with it.

I have some diazepam but they dont seem to help much. Think I need to get a stronger dose. They are only 2mg

Thanks again for getting back to me.

04-12-13, 13:57
It sounds like you really do need to get working on the anxiety itself. Perhaps ask your doc about CBT, or have a look around for therapists in your area.

There's lots that you can do for it :)

04-12-13, 14:03
You are right. I have such bad health anxiety - every day is a struggle but with extra on top I cant cope. I am going to see my doc next week. Thanks again

04-12-13, 14:07
Yes, this happens to me a lot. I have a total mental blank on something and the more I try to remember it, the harder it gets. I think stress and tiredness make this worse, and the more you focus on it the more it seems to happen!

05-12-13, 01:15
I was jumping all over the place so I got worried and tried to test my mind to see if it would remember things.

That's what your problem is here–you were working yourself too hard, especially since you had just woken up.

It happens to me all the time.:)


05-12-13, 08:54
Don't worry, I get this a lot & all it really demonstrates is that people aren't like computers because our memories are analogue rather than digital.

Human memories are stored mainly via association not formal indexing, which makes a lot of sense if you view it evolutionary terms, i.e. animals that quickly recognise danger are more likely to survive.

Quite often when I am trying to remember the name of something, similar words have been substituted & I know that it is wrong, so I deliberately try to think of random associated things until the real memory is triggered. I only seem to have that problem with names though & otherwise have a very good memory, especially for numbers.

I think there must be a hereditary component as my Mum is exactly the same & always has been. I can still fondly remember several occasions when I was a kid & she accidentally used fairly rude words by mistake without even noticing. I have always been like that too, but since I grew up accepting it as a perfectly normal & sometimes quite amusing thing, it has never really bothered me.

05-12-13, 10:51
Thanks a lot for all of your replies. Great to know I'm not the only one and I did think that I wouldnt get much response.
Much appreciated :D


05-12-13, 17:02
I do this too.. apart from i get my words all muddled! For example, if i am thinking 'the dog needs food' what I will actually say is 'the food needs dog'.. ive done this a few times now hahaha

11-12-13, 03:13
Brandy, I've been doing this like crazy the past few months, only it's happening during the day as well. I'll be reading a word and think a similar one instead. Or I'll think I see that word for a second and misread it. I also have trouble finding the right words. It's horrible:( Ugh!

11-12-13, 12:33
I mean what you know! I do this time the all! ;)

11-12-13, 14:49
I get like that really badly when I am anxious.

I once spent 5 minutes trying to find the word for bread. I thought for sure I had Alzheimer's.

I don't though. Just anxiety.

---------- Post added at 14:49 ---------- Previous post was at 14:47 ----------

I do this too.. apart from i get my words all muddled! For example, if i am thinking 'the dog needs food' what I will actually say is 'the food needs dog'.. ive done this a few times now hahaha

Yep, that is how I get too.

My husband got annoyed by it.

Me- Pass me the thing
Him- What thing?
Me- Ugh the thingy thing, you know, the THING
Him- I have no idea what thing means
Me- The thing, the thing the dog eats out of. The bloody THING the dog feeding thing
Him- Dog bowl?
Me- Yes

11-12-13, 15:10
I believe we all get this. I had a friend (RIP) who used to mix up the words all the time and it was hilarious...

"I put a fresh paint of coat on the house".
"I just bought a pair of shoeless laces".

Since my cancer treatment I have something called "chemo brain" which results in the same thing. I forget the simplest things! It's frustrating as heck but there's nothing I can do. It ain't coming back.

Positive thoughts