View Full Version : Worried about my child

*Fallen Angel*
04-12-13, 10:05
I really need someone to tell me to get a grip. My HA covers me but also extends to my 8 year old who, at 2, nearly died of penumonia.

Thankfully she's usually really well but this week I think she may be coming down with something. However my HA is starting to panic me. She woke on Monday morning with a slightly red eye. Went off to school no problems but I had a call from them to say she'd been taken to the nurse with it and they'd bathed it. We took her to the chemist after school who thought it was viral but gave drops anyway. She was fine yesterday and it looked better. However she woke around 5am this morning saying her tummy hurt and she felt sick. She also said her head hurt a bit, round the back of her head. The sickness/tummy pain has now gone but her head is still hurting. She wouldn't have any medicine until about 10 mins ago. She came down for some and said her head hurt more when she walked around. She's alert, had a drink, got no rash. Not eaten anything and slightly subdued but watching TV quite happily. Her red eye is fine now.

Now I know it all sounds viral and headache is common but I'm freaking out about all sorts of horrible things.

Does this sound viral?

04-12-13, 10:35
Hi I have a 8 yr old she had similar symptoms and she had a tummy bug which has lasted a day or so shd feels much better today she had the headache and feeling sick which did ease before her sicknes started properly but it could just be a virus there is so much stuff going round at the minute I would try not to worry to much I no its hard my daughter only had tonsillitis last week as well and my 2 yr old has akso had some sort of virus hope your daughter feels better soon x

04-12-13, 13:05
Kids are exposed to all sorts of bugs and unfortunately get their fair share (as well as bring them home to spread around to the family...joy joy). It's perfectly natural to worry about our children when they're ill, but they get sick and such is life. Sounds like a little bug to me and unless she's running a fever or vomiting, I wouldn't worry.

Positive thoughts

*Fallen Angel*
04-12-13, 15:05
Thanks for the replies. She seems to have perked up after some ibuprofen. Had cheese on toast for lunch. Says he nose feels bunged up when she leans forward so I suspect a virus is hiding in there. Headache seems better though no completely gone.

Feel somewhat less anxious.