View Full Version : Worried about head/brain

04-12-13, 12:01
Hi all,

I've moved onto something new, and I'm getting myself into a right stress about it. I wrote briefly about it over the weekend, but it's bothering me a lot now.
About a week/week and half ago I had an intense headache as I stood up from bending down to pick something up. It was a short painful burst, and it hurt to the point where I sat down and put my hand on my head. It went away after 10 seconds or so. I know I've had these in the past, I know because they are quite unpleasant. I've never really paid any attention to it because its not a regular thing, and probably because I hadn't developed HA. After a bit of research I discovered these are called ice-pick headaches, (or at least I'm hoping that's all it was).
So, getting this the other day has really got my attention. The day after the nasty headache I had some quite nasty twinges in the same spot. But they faded off. Now I feel like I've got a headache all the time, or little pains here and there all over my head, but I am really focused on the one area that the nasty one happened on. And they're really freaking me out. My head hurts when I chew on the same spot I had the headache. Or I just noticed this last night.
Now, I'm kind of aware I seem to be good at imagining pain, or bringing it on almost. When I was worried a few weeks ago about breast C, I had shooting pains in my ribs and my side, and was sure it was because I had C. These pains are gone. Never had one since I saw the doctor. I now have headaches instead. I can see the pattern, but I don't trust that theory completely. Not yet.
The reason I can probably indulge in this fear more is because my mum does have a brain tumour. It's benign, and been there about 12 years. She had treatment for it, which eventually caused her to have an aneurysm last November. She's doing great, and takes everything in her stride.
I should know more about this stuff than anyone, but I'm still really panicking.
I've booked an appointment to see the doctor for the 20th, that's with my normal GP, but to be honest I don't think I can wait until then and may have to see the soonest available doctor.
Does anyone have anything similar to this? Head pains or anything?
I've read about tumours and the likeliness of it being hereditary, and apparently it's very small, about 5%.
Anyway, I've gone back into my bad habits of researching, done about an hour today already.
I don't know what to do :weep: Am I overreacting?
Thanks xxx

04-12-13, 12:21
LF, I think that you've answered part of the question yourself. Back to "researching" for over an hour today. Looking forbthat constant reassurance and not getting it, or getting it and not believing it, can really ramp up our anxiety levels.

For me, anxiety will bring on tight muscles which can lead to neck and shoulder tightness, and ultimately all sorts of pains in my head. I generally try to do some stretching and some relaxation exercises and that helps my tension levels.

You saynthat you're good at imagining symptoms and bringing them on. Why not try to visualize good things and good feelings and try to bring those on. I find that when I focus my energies on the good things, I eventually feel so much better.

Goodluck to you!

04-12-13, 12:50
Am I overreacting?


Positive thoughts

04-12-13, 17:24
Thanks for the replies. Am I in major overboard mode? I don't know whether I should be going to the doctors or not. I'm totally mortified everytime I'm there. The receptionists are not very nice at all. I know I shouldn't ask, but is it silly that I've made an appointment? I know headaches are pretty common, but I'm really worried :(

04-12-13, 17:45
If you're going to discuss your anxiety and ask for a referral to CBT or therapy then the appointment is valid. Otherwise, see me previous answer ;)

Positive thoughts