View Full Version : Shaking or Trembling

04-12-13, 12:12
Does anyone else feel like they are shaking or trembling when they don't think they are anxious ?

This evening I was in the shower, after dinner, and it felt and looked like my legs were slightly shaking. It's become worse since as it's made me anxious which I wasn't before it happened.

I am supposed to be going out tomorrow night but won't be able to if I feel like this :emot-fail:

08-12-13, 04:47
Yes I understand its been happening to me lately. I also feel out of balance. legs weak and shaky:mad:, abit of vertigo, feel shaky after I eat certain foods headaches.. I have been doing so well now I have a set back...

08-12-13, 12:54
It's adrenaline that does that. Once the anxiety and panic has passed there is residue adrenaline that keeps your body on alert still. It's nothing to worry about.