View Full Version : Any smokers on here please

04-12-13, 14:59
Ok so my health anxiety hasn't been to bad actually for a few weeks however I have a long term thing that seems to be getting worse ! I am always out of breath! A short brisk walk can have my heart hammering and feeling really out of puff like literally I don't like walking anywhere because of it I walk up this sloping hill to supermarket and I'm sweating, and feel like I'm about to have a heart attack as if I can't get enough breath! I'm fairly slim size 10 so it's not a weight issue ... Could it be the smoking I smoke 10-15 a day? I'm not sure though because I have friends who smoke who go the gym! Any smokers reply please ?

04-12-13, 15:02
In short "YES"...

Please read my post on smoking, drinking and HA.


Positive thoughts

04-12-13, 15:11
Ahhh dear fishmanpa I thought you would be first to reply :-) ... I have actually read your post. Well I don't actually drink usually can't cope with the after anxiety effects but smoking well that is my vice and its completely irrational because it goes against everything some one with health anxiety is about. I always say to myself after this packet I'm finished I hate them they just seem to be that little crutch when your having a bad day! I think the reason health anxiety sufferers smoke is because they dont see them as an immediate danger... Rather more of a long term threat unless you quit... I really need to quit :-(

04-12-13, 20:11
I smoked for 4 years. After a year of having untreated HA I started to get anxious about smoking so I quit 3 months ago. Still anxious about my health, only benefit I've had so far is more money. But you should quit for the long term x

04-12-13, 20:22
I smoked for 12 years while simultaneously suffering from health anxiety - how contradictory! When I was faced with a real, serious health issue a year and a half ago I quit cold turkey. I was absolutely terrified. It took being told I had pre-cancer to put those suckers down for good.

The out of breath feeling can certainly be attributed to smoking. I worked out a lot as a smoker and didn't realize until after I quit how much it hindered my ability to take in air.

I know how hard it can be to quit but you will feel an incredible sense of accomplishment and pride when/if you do. And trust me, if I can quit, anyone can :)

04-12-13, 22:35
Well Done nadimac:hugs:

05-12-13, 19:29
Thank you!! :yesyes:

05-12-13, 19:36
I smoke 8-10 a day and I've noticed how unfit I've become since starting. Ironically my husband smokes about 20 a day and can run for longer then me!!

05-12-13, 20:57
Hey everyone thanks for replies and well done nadimac14 ...well today has been horrible actually told myself I had quit not smoked all day then had a cig about half an hour ago I'm going to make a thread on why my day has been so bad have a reading ya,s want xxx

07-12-13, 06:16
Yeah this is absolutely smoking, I have just quit, about a month ago, started with smoking herbal quit smoking aid and then just stopped, this helped with my HA too, try it even after a week you will feel so much better :)