View Full Version : Pains from nowhere

04-12-13, 20:37
So I'm watching the football, and out of the blue I get a very sudden feeling on anxiety. I'm getting pains in different parts of my body. Feel dizzy, sick and worst of all I have that weird feeling in my chest. Getting palpitations, I'm lying on my left side and I can feel my heart beat pulsate - is that normal?

Oh god I'm just so sick of feeling like this :( and I'm home alone

04-12-13, 20:50
Sounds like a panic attack, the pain could be muscles tightening but I'm not a doc so best to get checked out by someone who is. It could rule out a lot of worries :)

04-12-13, 20:51
Hi - hope you're okay. Have you ever had a panic attack or anxiety attack? That's kind of how I feel when I have one. Some things that help me are:

Breathe in deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, then out through your mouth slowly. Do this a few times.

Sip cold water and dab cold water on the back of your neck and behind your ears.

Allow the anxiety to ride over you like a wave and remind yourself that the feeling WILL PASS. It can't harm you, it just feels like it will.

Good luck, hope you're feeling better.

04-12-13, 21:22
This has happened to me many, many times, usually when I'm at home alone. I used to cope with it by playing a video game or trying to fall asleep.

04-12-13, 21:54
I've had the exact same symptoms more time than I can count. Usually, somewhere in the back of my mond, I've been concerned about being at home alone, without anyone to help me.
It really helps me to accept the fact that it is anxiety and ignore the symptoms the best I can. Skippy is right, in that distracting yourself can work wonders. I read or listen to music. Sometimes just taking a walk around the block is helpful.