View Full Version : Hernia or just stomach rolls/fat?

04-12-13, 21:49
Gonna sound a daft post, but I'm worried about an area of my stomach which just sort of protrudes and I'm worried its a hernia.

But, are hernias small? and round and like a ball sticking out of a random part of your skin? because if so that doesnt look like what I have and the pics I've googled of hernias dont look like how my stomach looks.

And it sort of looks like its more at the top of my stomach/chest area. But its not like it looks like a tennis ball is sticking out, its more like my stomach is split in 2 parts it gets me so down as I hate my body as I know it doesn't look normal and flat all over like stomach is meant to. I wonder if it might just be my natural shape too though. :huh:

Has anyone else had the same fear that its hernia?

It looks aweful when sitting up or looking at my stomach and I quite frankly cant because it looks so fat and odd.
I suppose it could just be fat, and i need to burn it and exercise and do stomach exercises. but ive no idea and too scared to tell my doctor that I think I have a hernia because im not really sure if it is. anyone any avice?

05-12-13, 09:40
I think you'd know if you had a hernia as it would usually be painful.

Has it been there for a while or has it suddenly appeared?

05-12-13, 09:57
if you think its a hernia go to your docs,i have one above my belly button it doesnt hurt so ive left it at that