View Full Version : Off on holidays for Xmas.

05-12-13, 10:44
Hi all you wonderful people. I've only ever replied to the threads on this forum before. I've never started a new one, so I apologize if I've gone the wrong way about it or posted in the wrong place.

Anyway. I'm off on holiday and I'm taking my partner with me and of course my anxiety as well.:mad: I'll try to ditch the anxiety along the way.:)

Don't worry all, I'll be back after Xmas.

Good luck for now and God Bless.:bighug1:

05-12-13, 11:11
Have a wonderful holiday.

05-12-13, 11:17
Thank you! I'll be here for a few days yet (this coming Monday.) but I thought I'd bring it up in case any of you thought I'd escaped!:smile:

05-12-13, 20:24
have a great holiday Russdownunder x