View Full Version : Back pain for 9 months, getting really worried

05-12-13, 11:03
Hi all

I am 32 and for the last 9 months I have been having back pain. It initially started out as being intermittent and I can recall I twisted my back around at that time at an uncomfortable position and ever since then I have had pain.

Lately (the last few months or so) it has been constant. I can only describe it as a dull ache, almost like a burning sensation in my lower back, which can radiate to my mid back. It does not radiate down my legs. The weird thing is I feel it in the muscles of my abdomen, what I can only think is my core muscles. It doesn't hurt to bend forward but only backwards.

I have seen my GP several times now and they have referred me to physio and offered my Naproxen for the pain. I was also advised to do pilates/yoga to strengthen my core.

I then decided to go to a private physio as I couldn't wait any longer. I have been going now for 3 weeks. He cannot see anything obvious but said that my lower spine is quite tight which would fit with the fact I have had pain for months. However he gave me acupuncture last week and electro acupuncture this week and although I noticed some relief last week, I feel no change this week, in fact it's back to being constantly achey.

I noticed this last few weeks my muscles in both my upper arms and legs are very achy all the time. I have been doing pilates every day at home and when I stretch my leg or arms my muscles ache!!!! This has me concerned as a month ago this was not a problem.

I am getting more and more panicky every day as I am so worried it is something serious but as I am relatively young the doctor just says my muscles are weak after childbirth (2.6 years ago) and they need to be strengthened. I have never had back pain before so I am at a loss as to why it has suddenly appeared.

Can anyone shed some light on the situation and stop feeling so down about it?


05-12-13, 11:33
I can tell you that back pain can go on for a long time. 9 months is not unusual and some people suffer with chronic back pain for years. My OH does.

I'm not telling you this to make you worry that it will, just to let you know that it can be persistent without being anything serious at all.

Keep up the physio, hopefully you'll see some more long-lasting results soon.

05-12-13, 12:17
Hi PChick,

I agree with Brunette. Back pain can be chronic. I have back issues (bulging disc L4-L5 from an injury) and have had them for years. You've been given good advice concerning physio. For me, I did weight training and exercises to strengthen my core muscles. The key is to strengthen the muscles around the injury.

Exercise is a double edged sword in the beginning as you'll be sore from doing something you haven't done in a while. However, as your muscles gain strength, the muscle soreness will abate and your back pain will lessen, eventually not being an issue. It takes time and you'll have to work through the aches and pains to get there. Keep it up and don't let soreness dissuade you. The benefits far outweigh the negatives.

Positive thoughts