View Full Version : I am new here,looking for help

05-12-13, 13:15
hello everyone,
while this post is not about me it is about my husband so here goes.
over ten years ago my husband was working on a roof and got hit in the head with a hammer.(horriable) however he did not go to the hospital( he would not go) then he started t have anexity,but we were not sure what was going on... over the course of a year he started to drink more and more. finally he went to the hospital, the could no find anything.so he started getting worse,his drinking picked up,he became abusive physcial and mental. finally i he say a counsler,she said he was a alocholic,nd served from anexity. he did not like that at all...so he stop going. then he became withdrawn,and could leave the house,it got so bad that he was admitted to the hospital.(that was really bad:weep:) after one day he came home...he took detox meds but would not take anything else,he hates pills.so after years of trying to get help,he refuse to go...jump ahead to present day...he still has anexity,he wontleave the house unless he has a buzz..this can take four hours or more.before he can leave the house.he not working he get ssi.im not sure what to do anymore,im so worried he is so unhappy and depressed?(he will not admit it. please any advice..there so much more but this is just to sum it up

05-12-13, 16:13
hi there

i am not a professional but it seems to me that he needs some help. and the first thing he needs to do is admit it . its really herd to admit to these things because of the embaracement to it. if not you might have to do something yourself. he will apreciate it in the long run maybe he got quite worried about the hit on the head and worry of that nature does cause anxiety. because you cant find a answer. hope i have helped a little keep your chin up and smileing. and a big hug to you
