View Full Version : Really scared of lump

10-11-06, 11:50
I am really worried about a lump on roof of my mouth, I have been on Amitryptilline for about 18 months for severe anxiety, particularly health.

Anyone who takes this medication will know it gives you a very dry mouth, anyway I have a small lump on the roof of my mouth, and when I loked up on internet it said lumps here can be the big C of the minor salivary glands.

I am so scared

Any advice would be welcome

Thanks, guilty.

10-11-06, 12:05
Please dont worry.
I am always running my tounge around my mouth and gums and finding lumps and bumps and getting myself in a right old tizzy!!!!

Just pop down the docs and get it checked...or the dentist!

You will be fine.....along with the rest of us x

Hay x

10-11-06, 12:06
Here is a previous post too...

lump on roof of mouth (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5790)


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

10-11-06, 12:13

I know what it's like to worry over a lump in the mouth.

I had a lump in the mouth, which worried me and I went to the dentist to get it checked out (not been dentist in 18 years) so you can see how
worried I was. In the end, it was a soreness in the mouth from either hot food or food, which had scratched it.

I am also on Amitryptilline.


10-11-06, 13:23
hey don't worry,
I was just at the dentist the other day with a lump at my lower tooth (back) i was told it is a boney deposit extremely common, and one of there many fave places are..... guess what the roof of the mouth.
I would still go to the docs or the dentist because if your like me you'll still worry regardless of what people tell you, but i'm almost certain its nothing to worry about. xx

10-11-06, 13:52

i also have this, i cant feel mine with my finger but can feel it with my tongue, it seems to go up and down all the time, i cant see it with a mirror either , i must admit i do get in2 a panic about it but as it comes and goes i think its fine, well actually i dont think it ever goes just goes down.

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

10-11-06, 22:39
I had a lump on the roof of my mouth a few months ago. I think it was some kind of inflammation. It felt huge and appeared quite quickly, but it gradually went down again after a few days. It wasn't particularly painful, but I was aware of it, if you know what I mean.

I think I had possibly scratched it with something sharp to cause it, but I couldn't think what it was.

Looks like we all get odd lumps and bumps in our mouth, and we all worry about them. Maybe give it til after the weekend, then see your GP or dentist if you are still worried.