View Full Version : New here...

05-12-13, 17:25

I've been lurking for a while and decided today to become a fully fledged poster!

Currently I suffer from anxiety with bouts of depression. I am really here to gain an understanding of my illness and how I can best cope with it.

I've suffered from anxiety and depression for almost the last decade and have lost a lot of my twenties due to it. I've been signed off sick from the docs (two weeks) as I've reached the point where I want to change my life around.

That's where you guys come in.

I need to understand what makes me anxious and how I can I can cope with this.

My anxiety attacks currently make me feel slightly spaced out - like an out of boys experience - where I feel 'numb' and become shaky. I also get a dry mouth. Does anyone else get attacks like this or should I be worried about this? AKA am I going mental?

Any help and words of experience/encouragement would be most welcome.

I'll be on the forum quite a bit now as I try to get myself back on track.

I'm 27 and from Glasgow BTW.

Thanks for reading if you got this far! :):D

05-12-13, 17:51
hello and welcome

05-12-13, 18:00
Hi :welcome: to the forum.