View Full Version : When going to the doctor makes you feel worse :(

05-12-13, 18:39
I took the step today to o to the doctor to ask about my panic attacks and seek other routes that just CBT (long waiting list)

I talked through the fact I was getting dizzy zaps, electric shock feelings, nausea etc... Rather than reassuring me that that is probably anxiety she said...

"She hopes its anxiety" and "we need to keep an eye on the cyst in your brain"
I've been told by the top neurosurgeon in the country my cyst is nothing :(

She's given me Lustral to try but I can't seem to shake the fact that I might be having some sort of seizure :(

She hasn't helped to reassure me and made everything worse :(

05-12-13, 18:52
Sometimes I think that doctors aren't aware that when they say something (ANYTHING) we latch on to it and instantly distort it into a major catastrophe. Even when my doctor says we will do blood tests just routine, straight away think "oh, she is doing bloods because she thinks there is something wrong!" My doctor can't do right for doing wrong!
I think that's why a lot of us HA's are so scared of going to the doctors, and yet surely if anything is wrong (and I'm sure you're fine) it is better to know early and get it dealt with. :)
If yr gp had been really worried she would have ordered further tests I'm sure.
Try some deep breathing and any type of distraction. Hope you feel better soon

05-12-13, 18:56
Not very helpful of your GP.

Have a look at this, no waiting list and it's free.



05-12-13, 19:11
I'm just frustrated as I was hoping I would have some answers tonight but I've just been given more worry :(

05-12-13, 19:34
fedup, have a look at the thread that i posted. Quite a few people have used it and it is meant to be really good.

Hun you know the answers, just a shame that your GP hasnt followed through.

05-12-13, 19:41
As Pomchi says some doctors just aren't aware that what they say can be received in a negative light. Unfortunately doctors are very objective people, they see a condition rather than a person.

It sounds like a precautionary meassure. If your neurologist said it's fine then it's fine.

05-12-13, 21:07
Fedup you've been given a lot of answers with your MdDS diagnosis, everything you've spoken about can be put down to the vestibular problems and anxiety. In fact I've had almost every symptom you've mentioned.

You need to hold on to that and remind yourself about it, accept your diagnosis. What happened to that positivity that you wrote about here lt week? How about looking into private CBT instead of waiting so long for the public one?

Is it this week you're seeing your VRT therapist again?

05-12-13, 22:28
Thanks Honeylove, I know but I've been really struggling with these dizzy zap/jolt things.. It feels like I'm being electrocuted! I just can't convince myself it's not something more serious like seizures :(

---------- Post added at 22:28 ---------- Previous post was at 22:10 ----------

fedup, have a look at the thread that i posted. Quite a few people have used it and it is meant to be really good.

Hun you know the answers, just a shame that your GP hasnt followed through.

Just looking at the website now thank you :) unfortunately these zaps are really bad tonight and I can't shake the thought something more serious is happening....

06-12-13, 18:11
hi hun, i got told i had a brain cyst too!! It was the scariest moment in my life. Then i had one neuro saying it wasn;t even a cyst. Two different opinions. My therory, brain cysts (even though they are really scary) can be just anomalies and usually nothing to worry about but I 100% understand you can;t let go of the anxiety now you know its there. My advice, for the anxiety, go on lustral.

06-12-13, 20:01
Hi Natalie,
Thing is it's not really the cyst I'm that concerned about... I trust my neurosurgeon that it's nothing but I can't shake how bad I feel at the moment and these "zaps" that I keep getting.... I'm like convinced I'm on the verge of having a seizure or I am infact already having seizures :(
I am going to give it the weekend then try the meds I think....

08-12-13, 14:51
ive defo read brain 'zaps' as they are referred to are common symptoms of high anxiety but please dont suffer like i did, get help, cbt, ,meds the lot :)