View Full Version : Well... I have herpes :-((((

05-12-13, 21:05
So hello people going to share this here because there is no1 else I can really discuss this problem with... So here's my bad day my health anxiety is bad because I have been constipated for 4 days (sorry tmi) I'm due on my period andddd last night noticed some stinging and itching 'down there' examined myself and yeah group of 5 blisters cry cry cryyyy... Went to doctors he was abit unsure an said I could be trapped hair follicles but quite likely herpes due to them being blisters in a group so he has give me a course of antiviral meds he also asked do I get Coldsores which I do very occasionally but thought they were 2 totally different types and non related! So he said he not 100%sure but it's quite likely I would say they definitely are because I have had trapped hair follicles and they have never itched and stung like these ... Guess I'm lucky they are on outside an not inside as my sister says ... Just really upset as got sti checked only few weeks ago and came out all negative I haven't had sex for ages and to be honest I'm just thinking ohh why me... So yeah feeling quite low atm.

05-12-13, 21:22
Hey There Sarah,

Welcome to the club no one what's to join. I've had both types (1&2) since I was 19. FYI, they're both herpes. People always say "Ohhh it's just a cold sore"... Uhhhh no... it's herpes! Did he type it? The reason I ask is that you can get type 1 and type 2 "down there" but it's very rare to get type 2 orally. If he didn't give him a call. If the blisters are still fresh, it can be typed.

It's a nuisance, but depending on how your body reacts and anti-virals, easy to deal with. Being that better than 1 in 4 have either 1 or 2, you're not alone. While your sex life changes (potential partners need to know about either strain... even for make out sessions), it's not as bad as you think. Feel free to PM me if you have questions as I've been there and done that for most of my adult life.

Hang in there kiddo... I know you're feeling down but there are FAR worse things you could be dealing with ;)

Positive thoughts

05-12-13, 21:31
Well he didnt do any swabs or anything ... All I can think of is getting into gross detail my little Russian lover has had a Coldsore at least twice in our relationship but never had an active one when... You know... Down there... This is so embarrassing ! I myself have had the occasional Coldsore since before I ever became sexually active ! How long does it take them to go away and this is also a very inconvenient time just before Christmas I need to make money and my job involves me dancing naked !!! Ooooooo what am I going to do? It's only a small patch which I have had for over 24 hrs I'm applying sudocrem to then aswell will they get worse before they get better ? X

05-12-13, 21:47
That's the thing. You don't have to be "active" to spread it. While the chances are less when inactive, you still can shed the virus. Based on what you said, it's most likely type 1 based on the location and your partners infection but it's prudent to be sure.

Length of healing time depends on your body and how it fights it. Stress unfortunately doesn't help, so do what you can to keep the anxiety and stress at bay. This goes for the future. Stress is a trigger for an outbreak. There are topical anti-viral creams (Zovirax) that can help the healing process. Ask your doc. Typically it'll peak in a couple of days, then scab over and heal up.

Positive thoughts

05-12-13, 21:56
Fishmanpa I'm going to give u private message xx