View Full Version : Dizzy brain zaps, electric feeling

05-12-13, 21:31

I'm medication free but keep getting these awful brain zaps, where for about 1 second I get a jolt of dizziness leading into like an electric shock feeling in my hands...
I get them about 5 times a day but so,e days I have about 20!

I've had 2 mri scans, clear apart from a benign cyst...

I'm so concerned it is a seizure as I am not on any meds :(

20-12-13, 21:39
From what I can tell, it's all anxiety related. What I think is going on is that since you stopped taking your medication, your body is readjusting itself to not having the medicine in your body - so in other words, you're getting garden-variety withdrawal symptoms which I don't think needs to be cause for too much concern. How long ago have you stopped taking your medication?

It's not a bad idea to speak to your GP about these symptoms, but I would remind him or her that you have been diagnosed with anxiety/panic so that way they can make the right call.