View Full Version : Anxiety and difficulty with breathing

05-12-13, 21:51
So one of my underlying issues with my anxiety is breathing anxiety. I sometimes feel like its very hard to breathe which panics me and then i feel like im going to stop breathing and die. It tends to be worse at night and even though it happens all the time I still think what if this time something happens? I have a bad throat at the mo which isnt helping. What should I do?

05-12-13, 22:51
BeckyBop, the key for me is always to recognize that it is anxiety and it can't hurt me. The more emphasis that I put on thinking about it, the worse it becomes. I try to do something positive to distract myself, like take a walk or play music that I like and sing at the top of my lungs. After all, if I can do those things, I really am breathing just fine. Test out the theory, as it has always worked for me.

05-12-13, 23:01
That is what I try to do Tanner - breathing anxiety is my biggest problem. It doesn't help i've got a bad throat at the moment thats making it hard to swallow and I think isn't helping my breathing worries - thank you for replying :)

05-12-13, 23:53
I get this. I have had it today. I do not get the out of breath feeling, I get the tight back and chest and feels like i am being smothered breathing, its horrible, and i find when it comes its hard to get rid of it. I do the singing bit. I sing as loud as i can.... I can always do it, so then i think to myself if i can do this i must be breathing Okay Xx