View Full Version : Is my anxiety making things worse in my head?

05-12-13, 23:30
So last week I posted about how my Mum may have breast cancer.
I have been a wreck since (not showing it around my Mum though) and last night my Mum said to me the exact words the nurse actually used were 'I'm sorry, it is cancer' Even though I'm not sure how she can say before the biopsy results come back on the 11th.
My Mum said she asked her 'Am I going to die?' and the nurse said 'No you aren't, we can treat this and this is why we have mammograms to catch things early'
Despite that in my head I just keep thinking what if its worse then they think, what if it spreads, what if it comes back and I can't shake the thoughts off.
Do you guys think the reason I can't get these thoughts out of my head is because I have anxiety? Because everyone else seems confident that she will beat this because it is so early but I'm just scared they will find out its further gone or some thing :-(

Mr Mannering
06-12-13, 10:26
It's because it's the C word! we hear so much doom and gloom and statistics that we all naturally think on the negative side and have to force ourselves to the positive. What we don't hear a great deal of is all the success stories which is what we can all do with really. So basically you're feeling 'normal' under the circumstances. And remember just because everyone seems confident, they all have their own heads to contend with.

06-12-13, 14:42
As an anxiety sufferer of course your thoughts are going to be focused on the what ifs.

06-12-13, 18:06
Hello. Thanks for replying guys. I guess sometimes I get worried that when all these what ifs are going round my mind that it will really happen because I'm getting a feeling about it if that makes sense. Just want it all over with now xx

06-12-13, 18:43
hi yes anxiety will blow things up more. just try to be positive for her and pray. take care.

07-12-13, 13:30
Thank you Kahi. I'm trying to be positive xx

07-12-13, 13:56
Really sorry to hear this about your mum. Like Mr said it's the C word and it terrifies you hearing that. Plus it's natural to worry as it's your mum. I worked with a woman who fought off breast cancer, if the nurses are confident they can treat it then it looks positive she's in the best hands. Vent on here anytime you feel your anxiety kicking in :)

07-12-13, 14:25
I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum. Try and remain positive. I know many women who have had bc, some of them years ago, and they are 100% fine. In fact, I don't personally know of any who are not. I'm sure we all here wish the very best for your Mum x

07-12-13, 14:29
hope you feel better soon im new on here but do feel for you im on here n chatroom tonight if you want to chat x

07-12-13, 18:23
Thank you so much for comments everyone :-) really nice to know there is people to talk to. Makes me feel a lot better hearing about the amount of people who beat this horrible disease! I'm working til 9 tonight but I'll pop in the chatroom at some point tonight :-) xx