View Full Version : visible pulse in stomach is it normal?

06-12-13, 03:38
hi guys this has happened for as long as i remember beig diagnosed with panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, but recently what scared me is that i looked up pulse in stomach and alot of pages came up with aortic aneurysm now im really scared, im scheduled to get an ultrasound sometime next week but in the mean time this is really eating me alive im only 16 im not fat but i weigh about 175. i really need to know if you guys think this is an aortic aneurysm or if it happens to you guys too because im so scared and i cant even sleep at night from how terrified i am. help me, thx :weep:

06-12-13, 04:55
Yes it is normal, especially when you pay close attention to it.Its especially visible if you're lying down looking at your abdomen.
Aortic aneurysm is highly unlikely at your age.

06-12-13, 08:31
I always have a visible pulse in my stomach.

06-12-13, 23:49
does anyone else notice their heart pounding pretty much everywhere when lying down? im having a pretty bad anxiety attack right now :'(

06-12-13, 23:51
Yes you can see it all over at times and it is normal

07-12-13, 01:56
I had this the other day too!

07-12-13, 10:33
Its totally normal. I thought I had an aortic aneurysm for weeks and weeks (I'm 22).

When I mentioned this at the doctors, once they had stopped laughing, they said the typical patient is a man over 65 who smokes. The total opposite of you.

The chances of anyone having an aortic aenyursm at your age is just inexplicably rare. My doctor had never heard of a case and she worked in a vascular ward x

08-12-13, 03:22
thanks everyone for the replies i feel alot better now :)

09-12-13, 20:42
I have suffered from anxiety for years, earlier this year I had a massive panic attack at work, I could feel my heart pounding in my stomach. My boss called an ambulance and when the paramedic arrived he said are we having a panic attack. He checked me out with ecgs etc. My heart rate was so fast but it eventually calmed down. He referred me to my doctor who said its quite normal while having an attack. I convinced my self it was something else but after 3 more doctors appointments it reassured me that its anxiety related.

10-03-14, 05:14
I have the same thing I'm 17 and I noticed this pulse in my stomach like a few months ago I went to the doctor and told her about it and she didn't seem to worried at all she said its probably because I'm so slim, idk it still worries me sometimes I had and echo cardiogram done Idk if that would show if i had an anyersium or not because the doctor called back and said everything looks fine..