View Full Version : Anxiety at its worst

06-12-13, 03:50
I feel like I have been stuck in a hole and can't get out... I have been I the hospital at least 5 times in the last month and in the past week it just has declined. I go to the er with an incredibly uncomfortable pulse rate of 140 and Chet tightness thinking I'm having a heart attack or something. They do the regular tests to rule out anything life threatening and send me on my way home. It is so frustrating because the symptoms are so real and feel horrible. I'm 22 female by the way. I just feel like all this is gettin in the way of my life... My job my school and my relationships.. I met with a cardiologist and he did a holter (which I'm wearing now) and echocardiogram which came out good. I'll get the results of the holter next week. It's just hard to believe anxiety can cause all these symptoms... I wanna rule out the other stuff first but that's what they keep tellin me oh... It's probably just anxiety. The only thing that has helped is propranolol and Ativan ...I feel calm and my heart isn't constantly feeling like it's going to pop out of my chest. I have been woken up in the middle of the night with panic attacks like literally I'll be sound asleep and ill jolt up and my pulse will b like 130 it's so scary. I'm even scared to sleep now :( I feel like the propranolol and Ativan will help tho... This will b my first night on these meds. It's a relief to know I'm not alone ... Because no one seems to understand wat I'm going through. Hope you guys get a good rest tonight!

07-12-13, 11:30
I don't know if this will be a comfort to you, but I've had BP in the low to mid 200's at the top end and have lived to tell the tale. I think that if there was even the slightest concern that your heart was in danger your doctor or specialist would not have waited and you have been taken in for further tests. My condition was very samey in the sense that it's chest pains and I'd go to A&E ( The English ER ). I've worn the monitor. Had the test's. Then more tests !! It takes awhile to get the right med's in the right dose to be taken at the right time. Took about a year of different heart med's and different amounts in my case. It's a process and a test of your character. Take each day as it comes. Pace yourself. You'll get there it takes awhile. Chin up you are not alone !