View Full Version : Had enough of this anxiety

06-12-13, 07:00
Hi all
Could really do with some support I have always been a worrier especially about my health and kids safety but just kind of managed it. Well in sept I had a small panic attack in a meeting but think it was cause I hadn't eaten but week later full blown one went to a and e checked over and fine. Well I then went on downward spiral with having them all day for couple of weeks couldn't be in own with kids as too frightened incase of panic attack had to take time off work ect then came the fearful thoughts I was tortouring myself . Well had plenty of gp visits and told it was panic and anxiety but I didn't understand it so went on some cbt which helped to control the panic attacks and made them better the problem I had was in all this I found out I was pregnant big shock as I was convinced I didn't want more children has I have two beautiful kids already so this added to anxiety as I then couldn't work out what was anxiety and panic and what was pregnancy symptoms. I found out yesterday baby had no heartbeat so am waiting for miscarriage. So now I know pregnancy symptoms aren't involved but I just can't get rid of these physical sensations heart pounding hot flush feel sick and edgy and I feel like this every morning . I really try to think positive but I just keep getting these anxious feelings in my stomach and just can't seem to shake them off. How do you get rid of the physical sensations please help

06-12-13, 23:03
Hi I am sorry that you are going through this I recently started having panic attacks and yes they affect every aspect of you life it is so frustrating because the physical symptoms are real. I experience racing heartbeat a fat as 140 bpm which is horrible and I usually nd up in the er because of it because it just feels do scary. I started taking propranolol prescribed by my cardiologist which lowers heart rate and is also used for anxiety. also got prescribed Xanax .5 mg which I really don't want to abuse of because I'm scared of the dependency. But this ha helped some I can actually sleep. I just want to enjoy life again I also have a small child and I know how hard it is when you're experiencing this and you never know when another attack will come on. Stay strong this too shall pass (:

07-12-13, 08:04
Thanks for your reply I was beginning to feel lonely!!
I have been getting some good progress with some things but so hard as when you have kids you have to try to get on with things and this can be hard and frustrating. The thing with panic is its just adrenaline and when your excited you feel adrenaline so it's just how we think of the symptoms that determines what we do and think about them. I really try to stay as positive as possible and keep busy which Canberra hard but to remember you learnt to feel anxious and worry etc so you can lead to not. I am trying to get this put into practice hopefully it will work.