View Full Version : Sitting at my desk

06-12-13, 11:58
On tueday I went the gym lifted a few weights everything was fine. I went home had my tea and while I was sitting there I got pain in my left chest. I didn’t think anything of it as it only lasted a second or two but as the night wore on the pains became more frequent.

That night I couldn’t really sleep and thought my heart was going to pack in but obviously I fell asleep and woke up.

Anyway Wednesday the pains had gone but I felt a bit off all day and my chest a little funny, not a pain but a bit weird ???

Yesterday I felt okayish but last night my chest felt weird again, as if it was fluttering and I felt very tired / spaced out.

Anyway I wake up this morning and feel ok until about 10am when suddently I felt my face and ear getting hot and then dizziness came over me and I feel like I couldn’t focus properly.

I tried to stay calm and relax and my heart stayed normal.

However I now still feel hot in the face and I feel diizy / spaced out.

Is it possible it has been building for 3 days, I don’t ever really feel 100% back to myself anymore, its been 7 months since I had my first episode and still I feel off.

Ive had a few ECG’s that were normal and a 24hr holter that was normal and showed only 2 ectopic beats I however for the last few months been having feelings everyday where I feel something move in my chest for a split second and that is combined with a feeling of my breath being taken away ? are these palpitations ??

I am due an echo and a 3 day monitor shortly just waiting for the appointment.

06-12-13, 12:52
James, it sounds like pure anxiety to me. The flushing and the heat of the face comes to me the second that I think, of my my it's my heart. Breathe through it and accept the anxiety. The less emphasis that I put on it, the sooner it goes away. Good wishes for your upcoming test.

10-12-13, 23:31
Wow this sounds like me in 2006. I was working out at ythe gym and felt can slight twinge in my pec. I stood up and decided to do some streatches . I felt dizzy and spaced out ( depersonalisation). I decided to get a shower and leave the gym. I felt so strange, I went home and had an aspirin three days later I went to a&e and they kept me in for tests. These I now realised were all symptoms of a sensitised nervous system. Well to cut a long story short I ended up having a nervous breakdown and to this day we live in the country and I cannot handle any stress,

I would take heed of what your body is telling you and make some serious life changes to reduce life stressors that you will not know are having a detrimental effect on your mental health.

Good luck


11-12-13, 10:59
oh brilliant, nice positive message there, im heading for a breakdown :weep:

11-12-13, 12:32
Just anxiety James. You can choose to ignore any less than positive messages and focus on the positive. You can do this!