View Full Version : Urine has a musty, spicy smell, worried this might mean something sinister

06-12-13, 12:10
In last month or so I have noticed that my urine often has a spicy or what could be described as a musky or musty smell. I googled this just now and it says things like liver disease or diabetes may be to blame! Now I do drink regularly and don't have the best diet so this has me panicing that I could be a candidate for either one of these!

I'm now feeling terrified to have a drink during my many celebrations next week for my bday or to eat something junky like Pizza! Surely if I had liver disease or diabetes I would have accompanying symptoms?

Has anyone else had this? Sorry I know this isn't a nice one to think about but I'm getting myself pretty scared!

06-12-13, 12:21
Sounds like a UTI. Did that not come up when you googled it?

Go to the doctors, he'll ask for a urine sample, test it with a dipstick to see if there's an infection. Could be that you're drinking too much alcohol (which dehydrates you) and not enough water.

06-12-13, 12:24
Thanks for replying. Would I have pain with a UTI though? I literally don't have any pain at all, and my urine isn't er cloudy or anything... The dehydration thing might be right, I probs don't drink as much water as I should.

06-12-13, 12:26
I get UTI's often, sometimes it stings, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes I get backache, sometimes I don't. Is your urine dark?

06-12-13, 12:28
It varies, sometimes it's dark, sometimes very light and almost white depending on water consumption, although the smell is there more when it's darker, it worries me that it is still there when it's virtually colourless

06-12-13, 12:34
Urine always smells. And smells stronger when it's darker. Dark urine is an indication that you're not getting enough hydration. Alcohol consumption is not helping for many reasons but that's obvious.

Rennie's point is valid as well. This could be a UTI. A simple dip test can determine what's going on.

Positive thoughts

06-12-13, 12:38
It does not sound sinister to me. See the doctor to get a dipstick test done anyway, just to rule out infection. If it's a UTI then simple antibiotics can clear that up easily.

06-12-13, 16:08
Some foods can affect how your urine smells too - one of them being asparagus, you may not be drinking enough etc.
Doesn't sound sinister.xxxxxxx

06-12-13, 17:34
Thanks for replying. Would I have pain with a UTI though? I literally don't have any pain at all, and my urine isn't er cloudy or anything... The dehydration thing might be right, I probs don't drink as much water as I should.

You don't always get pain with a UTI, it just depends, I have had one and had no pain at all. They are easily sorted out if you do have one. x