View Full Version : Stomach ulcer fears

06-12-13, 14:26
Hi, everyone. A few years ago I had an upper endoscopy, although my symptoms were mainly lower GI related. I was quite surprised to learn that I had a few small non-bleeding stomach ulcers and gastritis. A biopsy for h.pylori was negative, so I don't know exactly what caused these issues. I was just told to take an acid reducing medicine and to modify my diet for a couple months, and to stop taking NSAIDs, which I did not take regularly, but they were my go-to medicine for aches or pains.

I don't have any stomach ulcer symptoms now, but, then again, I never really did. So sometimes I do wonder if I still have any ulcers. Recently, I started Prozac for anxiety, and the literature mentions that there is an increased risk for digestive ulcers and bleeding ulcers (about 4 times the average risk). I called my GI doc, and his assistant called back and told me that he said it was OK for me to take the Prozac. But given my history, I just can't get over the fear it will irritate my stomach further and cause a bleeding ulcer.

I know that people can die from bleeding ulcers. My God, how scary! Does anyone have any words of reassurance? If an ulcer starts bleeding, is it really a serious threat to your life? I mean, certainly I know that it can be fatal (aaah!), but I hope that usually it doesn't end so badly. I am tempted to Google, but I have learned better.

I really, really need to take meds for my anxiety, and all of the SSRIs come with the stomach ulcer/bleeding risk. I wouldn't really worry if I didn't already have the stomach ulcer history. I just feel like I could be an ulcer bleed waiting to happen. Any words of comfort are much appreciated!