View Full Version : head pressure and weird sensations

06-12-13, 15:07
hi all, I have been having weird symptoms again,
headache/pressure all over head
stiffness/numbness all over body
weakness in arms legs and hands
feeling sick
of balance
I wish it would all stop it is stopping my life I have three kids and I want to be happy for xmas but all im thinking bout is am I gona die of a stroke heart attack have I got a brain tumor or some sort of cancer I just feel so ill. my gp doesn't believe me any more and if I go to hospital they all know me and im sure they thnk here she is again and laugh and joke bout me. im so fed up living like this ppl thnk im making it all up. I even thnk maybe I have fibromyalgia I have all the symptoms but when I said to my gp they just look at me and say nooooooooooooo. :emot-fail: I feel hopeless a failure to my husband and kids because I just cant get iin to a happy mood cuz I feel so ill all the time there is always something wrong with me.:weep:

06-12-13, 16:34
Hello there I've just read your post and it's as if you are describing me I am exactly the same it comes and goes but the last 2 days it hasent gone at all till I go and lay down at night I'm thinking it's nerves and anxiety but can't think of anything that has triggered it all I know is I just feel so strange and unwell my head is the worst and hot and cold and a scarey feeling really horrible and I just keep thinking hope I'm ok for Xmas got lots to do like everyone making me feel really depressed x

06-12-13, 21:08
its horrible feeling init. I hate it I just want to be healthy happy and normal.