View Full Version : Massive HIV Anxiety

06-12-13, 18:38
Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone could help me? About a week ago I met a guy I met online. I am bi sexual and I am 20. I never really been with a man before and to be honest I was being very careful. We didn't have anal sex or anything like that but we did other things like oral and light forplay stuff.

A few days later I got a bit itchy below and I noticed I had contraced pubic lice. I am still on treatment that doesn't seem to be even working well? I did go to A and E and I told them my worrys and concerns. They said I did not meet the requirements for PREP that they give to people who may be at risk with contracting HIV.

I have booked my sexual health test screening in a few weeks and I am sitting here worrying non stop. I am having a full screening and including HIV. The doctors said it would be very low risk very low if I did contract it and that I should not worry. I keep thinking about the night and over thinking everything that happened. I was drunk but can remember everything and no for a fact nothing heavy had happened.

It's just the fact I have contracted Pubic lice has scared me thinking what if they gave me that? What else could they have?

My local doctor told me you can get HIV via Oral but said there had been maybe 3 cases in the world that claim they got it via oral? And that the risk was low.

I can't sleep at night, I am having warm and cold sweats at night and am feeling very tired all the time. if anyone has any advice please if you can sure. I am so worried right now. I also feel so dirty contracting an STD ( Pubic lice ) but a few of my friends have said its very common to contract that as it's easy spread and that I should feel better a few days after the treatment given.

09-12-13, 01:13
If anyone could reply this would mean a lot.

I also have been itching loads all over my body even though I have used treatments for pubic lice.

I don't know what to do :/

09-12-13, 04:04
Hi, so sorry you are feeling so worried. I was once so convinced I had HIV that I didn't eat or sleep for weeks, I was an absolute wreck. So I know how you feel!

Based on what you have written, your chances of having contracted HIV are extremely slim. But I know you will tell yourself otherwise so maybe the best thing would be to get tested as soon as possible so you can relax. I had a rapid test done, the results took one minute. Negative. HIV is NOT that easy to contract.

You are going to be okay, hang in there. You'll get through this.

09-12-13, 12:43
Hi Steve

Don't worry. You sound like you have all the facts and ultimately you know that the risk is so small it is as close to zero as you can get, but your anxiety is running away with you.

Lice and HIV are VERY different entities. Some STIs are very easy to transmit from one person to another. Lice are easy, HIV is not. As a sexually active gay man I have known an STI (or two) in my life, including lice, and it does leaving you feeling vulnerable and anxious, but HIV is a very different kettle of fish and is not something you will get from body contact or even a quick BJ (even a really good one!)

You were sensible and safe during your sexual activity. The lice are a great same, but you are sorting them out. The clinic will prove all else is ok and you can get back to enjoying your sex life.