View Full Version : Worried about stomach

06-12-13, 18:57
Sorry if this description is going to sound gross. I've been constipated for like a week now, I went to boots and got some laxatives it's helped a little but the stools are still small but just a lot softer. I've had a sore feeling on my left side and I'm worried about what it is :( my toilet habits are normally fine so I don't know what's brought this on, I don't want to go to the doctors as I went twice not long ago for a headache and blurred vision which they think is eye strain so have sent me to the optician, but said I was overreacting so if I go back again they'll just think I'm being anxious and won't take me seriously and fob me off. Anyone know what could be wrong with my stomach, can you have one off things like this or is it something serious?

07-12-13, 06:15
Got no choice if you are nervous. Go to the GP or a Walk In Centre if you that embarrassed but the best option GP(but remember a report goes back to the GP). Have you changed your diet? Are you drinking enough water? Are you stressed about something? Our bowels react to things like that. I have bowel problems for the best part of a year now, only referred to Gastrointerologist last month.
Try to be proactive before being reactive.
All the best