View Full Version : Did I say that or think it?

06-12-13, 21:05
Hi everyone,

Have been off for a while and even though I'm calmer am still experiencing issues. I wanted to know if anyone here has ever thought something then gone to say something to someone and then constantly wondered whether they actually did say it before or just thought it therefore potentially repeating themselves. If you did repeat yourself what would that be a symptom of?

06-12-13, 21:10
I get it a lot its anxiety. but I really ill last couple wks I thnk im havin stroke everyday im so upset and scared.

06-12-13, 21:47
Aww if you have been like that for two weeks it's not a stroke

Does anyone else get this. I've been doing sell well and hate myself for ruminating about this. Sounds silly but was watching Robbie Williams on bbc 1 and was thinking about his hair, a few minutes later said to my wife something about it and then got a horrible feeling I said that already a few minutes before when I was thinking about it

---------- Post added at 21:47 ---------- Previous post was at 21:15 ----------

I think now this is it, I really do think I don't want this life anymore. Life is so cruel. It's horrible what a joke. All these illnesses we can have.

That's not normal is it why would I not remember if I said or thought something

07-12-13, 06:58
Anyone else

07-12-13, 08:04
Hi, yes I hve had that feeling in the past.
It was almost a deja vous moment, I would say something and feel like I had already said it.
It's happened twice now over 15 years! The first time had brain scan and epilepsy tests - all negative.
Doctor said sometimes brain just short circuits and does weird things with no apparent reason.
When it first happened was absolutely convinced I was having a stroke.
Don't forget anxiety can cause odd thoughts, sensations (even when we think we are NOT anxious we can be underneath)
I;m sure you're fine. Try not to dwell on it as when I did this the weird thoughts just got worse!
As I said, that was 15 years ago and I am still here :)

07-12-13, 08:34
Thanks for reply. When my anxiety was high about 2 years ago it was happening all the time and I get saying to my partner 'did I just say that' it was annoying her beyond belief. But it's been a long time and now it happened again I am panicking again. I know for a fact I though about that thing yesterday and no got a fact I did not get a response from her but when I said it after she sat down kept thinking that when I did think it before that i said it as well. Does that make sense.

07-12-13, 08:58
Sort of! It IS a horrible feeling when anything is "off" in your head, but if you think about it logically you say you have had this sensation before a while ago, and nothing terrible happened, nothing got any worse. So you Can deal with again.
My second episode was about a year ago and I was just shopping at a market. I panicked and drove home then I just laid on the sofa for a couple of hours until it went away. Which it did, and I felt fine the next day.
I think being anxious can increase the distressing feelings.
I do agree with you that this is an awful way to live (if you can call it living) and I am trying hard to find a method of dealing with it.
Every single day is an effort, but I'm sure there was a time when I didn't have HA so w
I have to believe there will be a day in the future when I can feel normal again.:mad::mad:

07-12-13, 09:06
Sean in the past two months you have been convinced of a whole host of things and been to the doctors at least 8 times. You need to take positive steps to tackle your anxiety and one of those I don't believe is posting on here looking for reassurance. Look at your wife and kids for motivation.

Incidentally I think every one of your posts suggests at the beginning that 'this is really it this time' and by the end of a mammoth thread end with 'I am definitely going to tackle my anxiety this time'

Neither of these statements have born out to be true on any occasion, although it wish the latter would.

07-12-13, 10:24
I know Chris and am getting there I really am but a moment ago I again was speaking to a friend and said that her boyfriend is probably away but know I thought and think I said it a few minutes before but can't be sure. Just want to know if it's anxiety and the brain playing tricks or if it could be a brain tumour. Would there definitely be other symptoms as well

07-12-13, 12:36

I was going to reply to you but I thought I did and now I forget what I was going to say :(

Oh yeah... I was going to reply to you but I thought I did and now I forget what I was going to say... Damn! .... Didn't I just say that? Or did I?

Point made I believe ;)

Positive thoughts

07-12-13, 12:59
Sean, this is absolutely so normal. There are many times that I thought that I said something to someone and I didn't, or vice versa. This is just such a no big deal. You are letting your anxiety blow this out of proportion, which we all do at some time or another.
Life is worth living, as your family depends on you. There is so much joy to be found in this life, no matter what our problems are. You will want to look for the good things that happen throughout the day and dwell on the positive. We can find something positive no matter how bad the day is.
Seeking constant reassurance on here will not help you. Dig deep and accept this for what it is, ANXIETY! What are you doing at the moment to get yourself sorted out? medication? Therapy? CBT? Relaxation or meditation? Acceptance? Maybe it would be helpful to ask other folks what they are doing instead of seeking reassurance?
It's time to look for positive ways to deal with this and take the advice. It seems many folks on here want to help you.

07-12-13, 19:03
Thank you for that. I know what I need to do but these symptoms are so real. It's happening more and more today and inside I know it's because of how my mind is working. Just reading through some stuff then read through again and went to ask wife then wondered if I said it before or thought about saying it. I know the and thing happened a couple if years ago but it's horrible. Is it because when your not in this mode or worried about the issue that you don't question it so your mind doesn't play tricks?

---------- Post added at 19:03 ---------- Previous post was at 19:00 ----------

Plus if it was a brain tumour or alzheimers u would not even remember the thinking about it would you??