View Full Version : advice on sinus problems please folks?

10-11-06, 14:50
hi all
ive having what i think might be sinus problems, ive been getting headaches feeling bunged up etc around my ears eyes and forehead and back of head for awhile now, my doctor reckons its a sinus problem coupled with GAD which ive a while, he gave me a nasal spray which a bit but that was amonth ago and i was hoping it would have cleared up by now and am now getting a bit anxious.HAs anyone had similar problems to me,and can GAD bring on sinus problems? some advice is needed please folks
cheers Mick

10-11-06, 16:12
i get sinus problems, i've tried the nasal spray and it doesnt work i find the best thing is an antihistamine with a decongestant in it and when my sinuses give me a headache i use forehead. the worst thing i have is the pain in my sinuses i have it now.
i dont know about gad bringing it on but i was diagnosed when i was 16 with gad but ive had sinus trouble since i was about 10


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

10-11-06, 19:08
Hi Mick,

Take a look at these posts they may help:

Headaches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2098)
headaches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4794)
tender spots on head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4889)
Tension headaches! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5660)
ongoing headaches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6177)
Big HELLO and warm wishes to everyone (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6669)
New User - Pressure in head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6858)



11-11-06, 08:46
thanks for the advice girls, iknow its probably nothing to worry about but when you got GAD it makes you worry more than you should about health problems doesnt it? has anyone else got any more advice about sinus problems just to put my mind at rest?
cheers Mick

12-11-06, 11:25
Hello. I get this too. In my case it's caused by dehydration which thickens the mucus in the sinus cavities so that it can't get out of the little hole at the top. The mucus builds, so does the pressure and that causes the dreadful pain. My advice is (i) try a glass of water and see if that helps; (ii) don't lose water through mouth-breathing / over-breathing if you can help it; (iii) alcohol dehydrates us very quickly so drink some water before, during or after having a drink; and (iv) talk to your doctor because you might need antibiotics (bacteria etc can grow in a blocked sinus cavity) or you might have a physical blockage of a different kind.

Good luck.

Oh! This is my first post having found this excellent site just an hour or so ago. What a find!

12-11-06, 13:10
Rafey thanks for that post and a big welcome to the site to you! :D

I get this a lot and reading what you said about dehydration makes a lot of sense as I really don't drink enough and when I do I rarely get it so bad.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-11-06, 13:33
Hi Mick,

my hubby has this problem and I think the nasal sprays just keep it going. My friend used an aromatherapy massage for my husband and it worked a treat (not to mention being very enjoyable too!). Maybe this is something you would think about?

Hope this helps.

Coni X

12-11-06, 16:15
I have chronic sinusitis, I suffer daily and im due to see an ENT surgeon in January. I am on anti bs at the moment because im in so much pain and developed a temp last week.

My dr makes me take a steroid spray daily, doesn't help though. Hopi ear candles are fab, so is reflexology and accupuncture is fab so im told.

13-11-06, 20:56
hi all
thanks for the advice sinus pain is horrible isnt it? oh Jem i didnt realise youd posted on this thread as well, ive just gone online and the previous thread i looked at was your one on sinuses i didnt realise that you had ear candling as i reccomended it sorry about the mix up
good luck

14-11-06, 09:44

Don't know if this will help much but I have suffered with the worst sinus issues that you could ever have in your entire life.I lived in a place that was so full of things and humidity that would kill you and don't even get me started on the pollen.When you get really bad sinus take a washcloth and heat it with hot water as hot as you can stand and then put it on the affliced area and lie down for a bit.Keep heating the cloth over and over..it loosens the sinuses and helps conjestion or take a really hot shower and let the water run over you for a long time on your face and head it helps alot of times.. hope this helps you a little..

15-11-06, 01:37
Gday Mick,
I believe now with sinus and having issues with stuffy nose and sore eyes myself,is that when your body is stressed and you have a problem relaxing, your sinus and the tear ducts dont work to there full capacity,therefore the nose and eyes are robbed of hydration,iam pritty sure this is a result of to much adrenalin from panic...it make sense..The last few years Its been a issue for me with sinus,I have been diagnosed with GAD.When I am not at work(under no stress) and having a good time doing activities etc there is no issue of sinus..
cheers Craig

15-11-06, 09:28

hello Craigyburn
thats good advice m8,helped me to get a more positive perspective,on sinuses,calmed me down a bit, nice one geezer[8D]

03-12-06, 10:25
hi folks
im panicking about my sinuses again i felt greatfor a week or two but now ifeel groggy and bunged up again does this problem come and go? im on sprays and antihistamines im worried its something more serious i cant face the doctors again any advice welcome please

03-12-06, 12:32
Hi Mick

I used to get dreadful synus probs. When I tried to blow my nose it felt as though I was pulling my eyes out. Everytime I moved my head it felt as though I had a lump of cement moving in my head.

Believe it or not, one of the best remedies I've every tried (other than antibiotics when the synuses became infected), was menthol crystals in boiling water. You can buy them very cheaply from the chemist and you only need one small crystal in a boil of boiling water. Put your head over the bowel and cover your head and bowl with a towel snd simply breathe. Don't over do the crystals or it will take your head off!!

Hope it works.


03-12-06, 12:57
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Mick

I used to get dreadful synus probs. When I tried to blow my nose it felt as though I was pulling my eyes out. Everytime I moved my head it felt as though I had a lump of cement moving in my head.

Believe it or not, one of the best remedies I've every tried (other than antibiotics when the synuses became infected), was menthol crystals in boiling water. You can buy them very cheaply from the chemist and you only need one small crystal in a boil of boiling water. Put your head over the bowel and cover your head and bowl with a towel snd simply breathe. Don't over do the crystals or it will take your head off!!

Hope it works.


<div align="right">Originally posted by sandie - 03 December 2006 : 12:32:30</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Deffo worth a try mate, Worked a treat for me.

"Forget Perfection, You'll Never Reach it'

03-12-06, 13:04
thanks sandie and stew for te advice does your sinus problems come and go and how long have you had sinus probs for?

03-12-06, 15:44
I think most of my problems are down to sinus troubles. I've always had bad sinuses as long as I can remember but just recently have been having problems similar to those you describe...ear pains, head pains plus neck pains. I ended up getting into such a state with the worry and no-one being able to find anything wrong and me being convinced it was cancer that I actually saw the doctor purely about anxiety and how worried I was about...er...worrying.

My doc thinks I do have a non-anxiety related problem with sinuses and also possibly with my ear but as no-one can find anything that signals anything major, that these are likely to be small things like just general stuffiness or sensitivity.

In my experience the anxiety worsens it. When I have bad days and get stressed out I find the headaches, back-of-head aches and neck aches are at their worst and also jaw pains and ear buzzing. Last week I managed to relax almost every night after work and although I still have niggling things like it feels congested or my ear feels like it needs to pop, it wasn't as bad at all as it has been.

I keep trying to tell myself that there's lots of people walking aout with sinus problems and allergies who just find ways of handling it, like those mentioned above, and don't get overly worried but when you've an anxiety disorder you just compound it and it flares up worse.

03-12-06, 22:16
Hi Mick,

I had sinus problems constantly for 6 months. I had constant headaches and pain in the back of the head. It got to the stage where my head was filled with constant pressure. My face would hurt every morning when I woke and it really wore me down. Antibiotics didn't work and nasal spray only helped with the runny nose.

I had a ct scan and it showed that the cartledge in my nose was crooked and this is what was causing the problem.

I had an operation back in July this year to straighten the cartledge and had my sinuses reopened.

I feel so much better and can also breath better.

5 in 100 people have this problem. Maybe you should see an ent because I don't know how many times I saw my doctor before he sent me to the ent.

04-12-06, 01:03
hi mick

its a combination mate...we gad sufferers suffer everying worse because the symptoms manifest through our thought processes....ive suffered with my sinus terribly....i had them blown in hospital about 2 years ago...its a very extreme and painful op...the symptoms came back about a year later...as there was no way on earth i was having the op again i have done some research...for the last 12 months..i have drunk 2 litres of water a day and cod liver oil ( a doctor recommended this to me) one capsule a day...when my sinuses seem bad i do a exercise they taught me in hospital (it sounds gross and id recommend you do it in private lol)
block a nostril and snort in and out harshly for about 10 mins...and again on the other...apply a hot flannel for as long as you can stand..then do it again.....it does work....
ive been ok now for 12 months xxxx