View Full Version : TMJ experiences anyone?

07-12-13, 08:42
I have never been diagnosed with this but I think I have it. I go through phases where I wake up in the night to find myself clenching my jaw really, really hard so that my jaws are locked together. I also wake myself up biting my tongue at night sometimes. Lately it has been bad and the whole of my neck feels stiff and my throat feels tight and swolen at the back when I swallow. Could this all be related? I also have chronic sinus congestion and some mornings my ear is blocked when i wake up.
I googled tmj thinking I was quite safe because it isn't exactly a life threatening condition, but then I read that it can be associated with chronic lymes disease, so now of course thinking I have that despite having no other symptoms apart from fatigue.
Anyway, do my throat neck and ear symptoms really sound like they are caused by tmj? I am going to try to get an appointment with my dentist but it can be slow as its an nhs one.

07-12-13, 11:48
I have TMJ and all your symptoms can be part of it. I had loads of antibiotics for my 'sinus' infection, which turned out to be TMJ. Neck pain, throat pain, earache, the list is endless. I also have strange sensations in my gums. It's mainly to do with the masseter muscle and a couple of other connecting muscles. Mine was full of trigger points and scarring as a result of the stress and clenching. I am having treatment by a brilliant oesteopath. It is getting so much better and he has been brilliant at explaining how it's all interconnected, as I just couldn't believe it could be causing all these symptoms and was getting so stressed. He does tell me that I must work on my chronic anxiety as this is what is causing it. Your dentist may make you a gumshield. Good luck x

07-12-13, 11:53
Wow, I never thought of osteopathy, thanks, that's a great idea. I have also downloaded a hypnosis recording for tmj so will try listening to that before Ned and see of it helps.

07-12-13, 12:04
I'm having similar problems cattia, even the sinus ones. I clench my jaws hard at night and even the mouth guard didn't stop me doing it.

Dentist is referring me to a specialist in the dental hospital here, so I'm looking forward to getting some more help with it. It's been causing so many weird problems for me including visual and balance stuff, so I can understand how distressing it can be.

A couple of things I've learned that might help you:

- caffeine and stimulants make it worse, so avoid them as much as possible, especially in the late afternoon and evening before bed

- bad posture makes it worse, so don't sit for hours at your computer or bent over your ipad or phone - take regular breaks to stretch

- stress makes it worse, so daily relaxation methods really help, especially if you work on it before bedtime

- chewy foods make it worse, eat soft foods for a while, avoid anything crunchy or that will take lots of chewing

- exercise can make it worse if you're doing something that tenses up your whole body, but some gentle yoga has been wonderful for it

- heat really helps, a microwavable heat pack will do the trick

- try to be aware of clenching during the day, or anything that tightens your facial muscles - I noticed I have a tendency to do this as I'm doing certain activities like looking around shopping shelves or doing physical work

Hope some of that helps you a bit :)

07-12-13, 18:27
I have TMJ Myself and these things I find useful! Thank you!

07-12-13, 19:26
i had tmj years ago,my dentist diagnosed it and made me a bite gaurd which cured it after a few months