View Full Version : Fed up of myself

07-12-13, 16:03
Here I am again worrying about my health. I have two things going on at he moment - heart worries and some kind of cancer in the pelvic area - possibly bladder or womb. I won't go into details of symptoms here as some of them are a bit personal.

My GP is sending me for an ECG and I saw a gynaecologist this week and have to go for a scan.

I know that even if the results of both come back positive, I will still worry. If one kind of cancer is ruled out, I will think it's another. I have already made a mental list of the possible types based on my symptoms.

Every time, I convince myself that this is it. This time it's different. I refuse to allow myself to think that I am thinking this way because I am anxious (two people in my family have been diagnosed with cancer this year), I have lots of family responsibilities and a stressful job) .

I am stressed about Xmas as I have lots to do, no time to do it and 13 people coming for Xmas lunch.

Really fed up of myself at the moment.

07-12-13, 16:34
you sound exactly like me. its absolutely frustrating and wearing. I move from one cancer to the other and I have scans and tests and still I torture myself with worries xxx I went though a year of thinking some kind of pelvic cancer so am hear if you wanna private message, I may be of some help xxx take care