View Full Version : Electric zaps

07-12-13, 21:39

I'm medication free but keep getting these awful brain zaps, where for about 1 second I get a jolt of dizziness leading into like an electric shock feeling in my hands and neck, it's like a tingling that goes through my body...
I get them about 5 times a day but some days I have about 20!

I've had 2 mri scans, clear apart from a benign cyst...

I'm so concerned it is a seizure as I am not on any meds :(

Wombat Overlord
07-12-13, 22:57
I get the same thing all the time; sometimes it isn't localized to just my head, and I can feel it throughout most of my body. This is a pretty common symptom of anxiety, and is usually linked to benzo withdrawals. However, I still get them very often, and have not used prescription meds for quite some time. As I am not a doctor, I cannot say this with any real certainty, but I seriously doubt that they will lead to seizures. Also, it's good that you had the MRI's performed, just to be safe and give you that needed assurance that all anxiety sufferers crave. These zaps usually happen to me when I am zoning out or trying to sleep, so my only advice to give you would be to find something that you can focus on. I know it's very scary and hard to deal with this symptom and the many others that I'm sure you have encountered, but hang in there!

~Alecks :yesyes:

07-12-13, 23:51
Thank you for your reply.. I've had a few more tonight, it literally feels like I'm falling for a split second and then this odd sharp,tingling sensation down my neck across my shoulders And in my hands...
I keep trying to think whats causing them, they've happened stood up before and that's been stood at the checkout in a supermarket.
Other than that is normally when I'm trying to relax... So sat on my ipad or watching TV but I do notice when I start to get anxious they do get a lot worse...

There like the one symptom that bothers me now, I can Accept everything else falls down to anxiety.. But these jolts/zaps just worry me :(

Catherine S
08-12-13, 00:34
When you say everything is clear apart from a benign cyst...do you mean a cyst on your brain? If so, even though its benign and not dangerous, could it just be affecting a nerve that might be creating these zaps?

---------- Post added at 00:34 ---------- Previous post was at 00:30 ----------

And like Wombat, I can get these (minus the cyst) sometimes...feels like an electric buzz just for a few seconds at a time, usually when i'm tired :shrug:

08-12-13, 08:56
I get them only for a couple of seconds to..

Regarding the cyst I've seen two neurosurgeons about it and it's just at the bottom of my brain been there my whole life and wouldn't have caused any of my symptoms.. I trust what they say :)