View Full Version : Amitriptyline

08-12-13, 02:59

Anyone know much about this drug. I've been prescribed it for migraine/neck pain. A bit anxious as I read that this drug is pretty toxic for the heart so not good. I'm on the lowest dose of 10 mgs but I would prefer to be on something less damaging. I'm trying to trust the doctors but it's hard...

Thanks for reading

08-12-13, 03:13
Hi Polly,

I was prescribed this to help me with insomnia and nerve pain after my heart bypass surgery. It knocked me out cold (I didn't even remember dreaming) and it alleviated the nerve pain within a week. I had no ill effects from it at all. My heart doc prescribed it for me so he obviously wasn't too concerned about toxicity. I only took it for a relatively short period of time (a month or less).

Positive thoughts