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View Full Version : night sweats

08-12-13, 07:24
I keep waking up finding that i am sweating between my breasts and on my neck. Its not drenching sweat but enough to notice. Its happened like four times in ten days,
I have recently had a laproscopy for fertility issues and I have been on my period for the last four days. When I had a look on the internet it keeps bringing up lymphoma which also says that sweating is a secondary symptom and I would have significant weight loss and other things wrong as well which i don't have. I saw that itching was one of them and now have started itching!!!

Has anyone else experienced this?

08-12-13, 12:26
I always have a night sweat when I have my period. It is totally normal as your body temperature is raised at this time. Please try not to worry and stop googling symptoms-it will nearly always bring up cancer!

08-12-13, 13:24
I have suffered this on and off for 3 years.

It seems to happen with I'm overly anxious.

Anyway I have saw countless specialists including my own doctor who have all assured me that cancer night sweats are drenching. Like your whole body has been in a shower and needs to be changed. (you can have these and it not be cancer)

Plus night swears from cancer do not come and go.

It's prob a combination of your period and anxiety.

08-12-13, 20:50
Thank you for replying. I know google is bad and always does bring up cancer! I think its unlikely that its anything bad but it was in the back of my mind.. Will keep an eye on it

Thanks again

08-12-13, 22:28
I aldo suffer with this. It usually coincides with my period or with times of high anxiety. After having both my children I had genuine night sweats (which are common after pregnancy) and they were bery different. I would literally wake up drenched in sweat all over and would have to dry myself with a towel and change the sheets. The chest and neck sweats that I get now and that sound like the ones you habe are bit the kind of night sweats that they worry about.