View Full Version : Pain left side of chest woke me up

08-12-13, 08:22
Please help someone, this is my last post about symptoms and am getting there but I woke up in middle of the night to a weird pain in left side of chest. It was there for some seconds and felt like I needed to rub area. When I did there I think it started to feel a bit better but was half asleep so can't be sure. What the hell could it be? Could it be heart disease. I went back to sleep fine.

---------- Post added at 08:22 ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 ----------

Or can you get trapped wind in chest

08-12-13, 08:34
The last one was the last one and the one before that.....and the one before that come to think about it.

Spend some time looking back through your posting history and try to arrive at an objective view of whether your posts are rational or not.

You need to tackle your anxiety and to be honest it is the only thing that people here can helpfully support you with.

08-12-13, 09:09
But this is a very real symptom Chris and something I've never had before which is why I'm more concerned and just wanted to see if sounds bormal

---------- Post added at 09:09 ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 ----------

I mean normal

08-12-13, 09:13
Well then if you are worried about a very real symptom then visit your GP. No one here will be able to tell you if it is normal. Objectively though, there is a phenomenal amount of anxiety underpinning your reaction to symptoms whether they are real, perceived or otherwise.

08-12-13, 15:02
Doctors is not open until tommorow and I was simply seeing if anyone else has had this symptom and like all the other threads on here see other peoples experiences. I've been to the doctors 9 times in a month and would rather not go again of it sounds normal?

---------- Post added at 10:22 ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 ----------

I think now I have a bit of mild trapped wind in chest today. Just scary waking up to something in night. It was my boys party yesterday and ate lots of crap food. Pain last night must have been Bput half a minute and felt like I needed to rub left side of chest to ease. I had an op a few weeks ago so hope they would have noticed issue with heart as they monitor through op. I had e c g but that was6 months ago. I just feel like giving up now. Anxiety is horrible

---------- Post added at 14:34 ---------- Previous post was at 14:20 ----------

Someone must have

---------- Post added at 15:02 ---------- Previous post was at 14:34 ----------

Is anyone on here today that can help

08-12-13, 15:05
Sean, try reading the Symptoms list on the left side of the page. It helps me to see how normal my symptoms really are. Chest pain is listed as one of the symptoms of anxiety. Are you taking any mess or doing CBT? What are you doing on a daily basis to help yourself with your anxiety?

08-12-13, 17:25
Thanks I was getting better but then this comes along. Painfull when I burp now

08-12-13, 17:35
Sean, the problem is that you weren't getting better. You were just having a brief period while waiting for the next symptom to put you in a tail spin. In reality the same will happen. You will get to the end of this thread acknowledge it is anxiety make some positive noises about getting better and then reappear in a few days with another symptom. Surely you must be able to see the pattern?

I know this sounds harsh, but I think the time for tea and sympathy must be over. I can completely associate with how you are feeling, but to have a chance of getting better you have to really want it and work hard at it.

You mentioned some time ago that your wife moved out with your children because this was driving her to distraction. Well I can't speak for you, but I sure as he'll know that I would rather take a minor risk by focusing on anxiety and not focusing on a perceived symptom than accept the massive risk of losing my family.

You must take the bull by the horns, or be prepared to ride this thoroughly exhausting roller coaster for some time yet,