View Full Version : Help, acute stomach

08-12-13, 08:17
Have been having problems for a few weeks after eating too much chocolate and a bag if walnuts. Settled down a bit but has flared up big time. Saw doctor on Tuesday but I didn't have this hideous acid then. Tried to eat a bit yesterday at tea time but as soon as I had eaten, I kept having a lot of saliva. Took 2 rennies and got pain in the base if my sternum. Went to bed and woke up 90 minutes later with awful nausea. Took to more rennies but they didn't work. Decided to give zantac a go (it gave me a dreadful headache last time but am desperate). Have taken another one just now. The acid is awful and I am so scared I have an ulcer and it has perforated. Still feeling nauseous. This week I have woken up with nausea twice and cramps in tummy another. I am so scared. Terrified of hospitals and tests etc but don't know what to do.