View Full Version : How normal is it to see flashing dots?

08-12-13, 08:18
In october, out of the blue, I began seeing a black dot flash in my vision once or twice a day.

Well that morphed and now It is usually happening in my peripheral vision. I can never find a cause for it.

I hvae already got a comprehensive eye exam and found no problem.

That makes me even more worried though. Because there should be an explanation for this happening, why would it happen like this suddenly for no reason?

08-12-13, 14:16
i believe its just anxiety. i have this too

08-12-13, 15:14
I have had this. In fact its been ongoing for a couple if years now. Ill get random black dots appear quickly and then will disappear again. Its usually more my left eye. I've had eye exams too which have shown nothing. Its not fitting with a migraine either,

08-12-13, 19:32
i have this aswell i have had all the tests and a hospital test all fine, i have eye floaters aswell with mine

08-12-13, 21:25
I've never found anyone who has this so I find this mildly reassuring.
Mine is completely random.

08-12-13, 21:54
I've had this for a few years and it has never yet progressed into anything worse. I think it is worse when I am tired or anxious.